
Everyone who's parent's got seporated answer!!!?

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My parents divorced and 4 me that sucks so people tell me, do u like that ur parents r divorced or r u sad like me???




  1. yes it suckes but I still see them both!!!!

  2. My parents aren't divorced, but they're separated.

    Don't forget that if your parents were together, instead of divorced, they would be fighting all the time, and making it miserable to be around them. This way, they are much happier and better off. And yes, it's hard for you now, but after a while you'll get used to it, and you'll realize that the divorce was probably the best for everyone in the end.

  3. Yeah, of course Im sad about it. Im 18 now btw

    Mine divorced when i was 6. Ive never known financial stability - never any family dinners. It has honestly sucked.

    Plus i lived with the woman I used to call my mother, who was an abusive control freak.

    what can i say... people like you and i can only aspire for one thing: to give our children the homes that we never grew up in. dont you think?

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