
Everyone who says the Bible is not Gods word answer this?

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Why have you failed to destroy the book you hate so much?

God says ""Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away."

Yet as A.W. Pink has said:

"Every engine of destruction which human philosophy, science, force, and hatred could bring against a book has been brought against the Bible, yet it stands unshaken and unharmed today."




  1. Excuse me, but God didn't write the bible. His believers did. It was written by man, so it's corrupted and flawed.

  2. We don't want to destroy the book. It is a good book to read  to help guide one, if they don't believe the tripe in it and just use the Golden Rule and some of the 10 commandments.

    As who has tried to destroy it, during the Spanish Inquisition the Catholic church tried, so they could keep the masses under control. They didn't want the people educated and attempted to keep them from learning to read.

    Hitler was 1/2 Jew and raised as a Catholic. He was insane and I don't know what he believed because he would change his mind from day to day about his beliefs.

    Atheist and Agnostics possibly know the Bible better than most Christians.

  3. Why would I want to destroy a book? I think the bible does contain some valuable information and as a non-believer I get to pick and choose what parts of the bible I'd like to adapt and which I ignore.

    Reading the bible also helps with spelling though I doubt that you'll find the words atheist (not 'athiest') or Adolf (not "Aldoph') in it.

    The thing with most non-believers is that they don't seek to change your faith and follow the principle of 'live and let live' - something many Christians should think about before forcing women to have babies they don't want (because of rape, illness, etc), or making students pray in school and ban the teaching of evolution.  

  4. we also still remember the 1000 year Reich

  5. Ethnocentricity is not a vice one usually realizes they have but people who talk as if the Bible is the authority on all things are in fact ethnocentric.

  6. Whats stated in the Bible Contradicts itself; if the Bible was Inspired by man through God as Timothy 3:16 States:

    "All that is written in the holy writings comes from the Spirit of God…" 2 Timothy 3:16

    Why are their contradictions in the Bible? It wouldn't have contradictions If God Divinely inspired the Bible as Christians believe, for example here is one for you:

    2 Samuel 24 verse 13

    So Gad came to David, and told him, and said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land? or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue thee? or that there be three days’ pestilence in thy land? now advise, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me.

    1 Chronicles 21 verse 12

    Either three years famine; or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee; or else three days the sword of the LORD, even the pestilence, in the land, and the angel of the LORD destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel. Now therefore advise thyself what word I shall bring again to him that sent me.

    This is the Same story; Just different 'accounts' on what God said/decreed/ordered/etc.:

    In Chronicles God Gives David the choice of Three Years of Famine.

    In Samuel God Gives David the Choice of Seven Years of Famine... as punishment. Contradiction? Of course, to think otherwise would be well, illogical.

    Therefore what is now known as the Bible is not God's word anymore... Because in the Bible it states that all the holy scripture was divinely inspired by God So the  Bible supports that belief....

    Yet God contradicts himself seems a bit uhhh not God like  to be making mistakes? That should raise some eyebrows... Btw this is just one  contradiction of many...

    May you be guided to the straight path.  

  7. "Why have you failed to destroy the book you hate so much?"

    Because not believing it's of divine inspiration obviously means I hate it.

    Destroying books is more of a religious thing, anyway.

  8. ummm there's more bibles then any other book in the world so it would be impossible to destroy each one. durrrrrrrrr  

  9. Who is A. W. Pink?

    The reason that the Bible still has so many zealous followers is because its authority is self-contained.  The Bible is considered to be the "Word of God" because the Bible says so.  People tend to be inherently superstitious, so they'll buy into it because it's the popular superstition of our culture.  Give it time, though.  Eventually everyone will catch on, but it probably won't be until you and I are both long dead.

  10. The Bible may have been Gods word back in the day, but it's been edited so much by translators over the centuries that there is no way you could call it "unshaken and unharmed".

  11. Well I do believe the Bible is God's word, so I can't answer your question. But I just wanted to say, GOOD POINT!

  12. unshaken and unharmed? LOL do your research.  The bible was written by people no earlier than 150 CE, it was put together by a bunch of bishops, IE, people, we know parts were left out, and evidence is coming out that supports the idea that Jesus never existed.  There is a lot of evidence that he was plagiarized.  I wouldn't call that unshaken and unharmed.

  13. Book burning is a favorite pastime of fanatical religionists, not atheists.  That's why.

  14. Great point! But wait...Why have Buddha's teachings lasted longer than the Bible?

  15. “Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings.” --- Heinrich Heine

    It is generally the religious people who end up burning books. Now follow Heine's statement to its logical conclusion....


    Check your sources again. Hitler was a Catholic - not an atheist...

  16. Please, do not put words into my mouth. That violates the 10 commandments. I do not hate works of fiction, e.g. the Harry Potter series, the Lord of the Rings trilogy or the Bible. There were other religions long before the Bible was begun by Moses perhaps 1350BC. By your logic, the Hindu sacred texts are superior to the Bible, because they have been here longer. You hate the Vedas, but you cannot destroy them.

  17. Sure Sparky.  By that "logic" the Babylonian religion is true.  The Code of Hammurabi has been around a lot longer than the bible.

    Sorry.  Didn't they teach you about that in Jesuscentric School District?

  18. The Bible is PARTLY God's word.  Mortal men used it to add rules to manipulate the population to do or not do certain things.  The whole anti-g*y stuff is BS.  A loving God didn't write that c**p.  Same deal with most of Leviticus.  The women in my family don't go hide in a tent during their periods.

    God did talk a lot about being kind to others, helping the poor, etc. etc.--much of it expressed through the words of His son, Jesus Christ.  THAT's the good stuff that you know in your heart came directly from the source.  'Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

    P.S.  And as an American, I'm never in favor of destroying or banning ANY books.  

  19. I'll just point out that there was plenty of literature (religious text, science, art, ect.) long before the bible.

    Are you familiar with the fire of Alexandria?

    To answer your question, I have not tried to destroy anything.  In fact, I've studied the bibled extensively.  And, I'm an atheist.  What's your point exactly.

  20. Why have you guys not failed to destroy the Koran? or Harry Potter. According to you they are not Gods word. I'm not in a habit randomly destroying books of myths. Even ones that have spurred so much misinformation such as the Bible

  21. I don't hate the Bible, like I don't hate the Bhagavad Gita. Also, because I'm not a book-burning n**i.

  22. There's some good poetry in the Bible.  I wouldn't want to destroy it just because of some muppets - and I am talking about grown adults here - who think Genesis is literal, historic fact.

    I quite like Lamentations and Ecclesiastes, in fact, back in my goth days my favourite thing to do was get stoned and read the King James.  I still do that from time to time.

    I don't believe in book burning and censorship.  I leave that to Christians and other fascists.

    When I clicked on your question, I was expecting a challenge.  Most disappointing, really.

  23. First of all, who said we hate the bible? We hate the hatred people commit in the name of the bible. Second of all, who is A.W. Pink? Third, and finally, the bible only stands unshaken and unharmed among people who have little relationship with reality.  

  24. I think you have a curious definition of "destroy."

    There is no question that the Bible and it interpreters have virtually no power anywhere in Europe except Poland and Italy after hundreds of years of near complete power.

    Likewise in the US the power of the book over the nation, it's children, and it's government is retreating daily.  From near unchallenged rule of law to open contempt in the halls of power and public opinion.

    The existence of the word matter far less than the power is wields;  after all the words of Plato, Confucius, Homer, Buddha, and many other leaders have not passed away either.  Your standard seems rather low.

  25. I dont hate the bible, in fact, i think its one of the most interesting and intruiging books ever written. And just because i dont believe, doesnt mean that i think no one else should.

  26. The Bible has been edited and altered so much now, it is full of lies. And from your logic, destroy the Qur'an, or even create a single verse like in it. This verse must match it in truth,elegence, beauty, etc. Like God say's in the Holy Qur'an:

    "And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, Christians, etc) are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (i.e in the Qur'an) to Our slave [Muhammad (pbuh)] then produce a Surah (chapter) of the like thereof and call your witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allah if you are truthful." (Qur'an 2:23)

    "But if you do it not, and you can never do it, then fear the Fire (h**l) whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers."

    (Qur'an 2:24)

    I'll even give you a little help, here's the translation of the shortest Surah in the Qur'an. Just read this, write your little fake, translate it in Arabic and english and show it to me. Here it is, with a transliteration and translation.







    In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    1.Verily, We have granted you [ O Muhammad (pbuh)] Al-Kautharr (a river in Paradise).

    2.Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only).

    3.For he who hates you [O Muhammad (pbuh)], he will be cut off (from posterity and everything good in this world and in the Hereafter).

    EDIT: Christians have twisted beliefs! You claim to follow the teachings of Isa (Jesus) peace be upon him but you invent false characters to represent him and you make up lies claiming that he is the son of Allah (God)! Glory be to Allah (God) , far above everything that you associate in worship with him. He is Allah the ONE, The Eternal The Absolute, He beggets not nor was He begotten, and there is none comparable to Him!

    Do not even consider converting him to lies! I recommend you do your research, you will not find anything of your current to be true because you don't even believe in one God anymore! you worship a prophet, how shameful is that!

    And believe me , Jesus (pbuh) never claimed to be God or the son of God! He only called the misguided Jews back to the truth! He callled them to monotheism and to worship Allah (God) only!

    And some of the people believed him, while others chose to disbelieve. And the disbelievers plotted and schemed their evil plans. THey planned to crucify but Allah (God) planned otherwise and verily Allah is the best of planners. HE rose Jesus (pbuh) up to Heaven and caused one of their own to look like Jesus(pbuh) so that they would believe him to be Jesus (pbuh)! And they killed that man while they knew noth that Jesus(pbuh) was safe.

    Those whom Jesus (pbuh) had taught and they believed, they are a great people. But soon people began to get confused, they began to associtate Jesus(pbuh) with some divinity. THey began to think that he was God's son! So they worshipped him! and they thought that God's anngel was a Holy Ghost, so they called Jibra'il (Gabriel) the Holy Ghost and created a fake tale of a Holy trinity.

    So Allah sent His final Prophet to call them back to monothiesm. And when he did the sensible people believed him while the others did not. And Muhammad(pbuh) told us that Jesus(pbuh) has not died and that he will return one day. Jesus(pbuh) will break the cross, kill the swine, and abolish the jizya. He will kill the Dajjal(anti-Christ) and be a leader for the Muslims. He (pbuh) will rule by the Qur'an and will accept no religion but Islam from the people.

    And if you are in doubt then wait and see, Allah has promised this and verily, Allah is NOT a liar.

    EDIT: to everyone who has given a thumbs down or is about to, read my answer completely and take the challenge.

  27. I don't believe in destroying books or censorship.  I mean, Mein Kampf is still available to buy today.  Plus, I don't hate the bible.

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