
Everyone who search my ID in 360 search module, can find my page! Please help me how can I hide my 360 page?

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Everyone who search my ID in 360 search module, can find my page! Please help me how can I hide my 360 page?




  1. You can't hide your entire 360 space in the search engine, as there are aspects that are always public and can't be changed - your nickname, your profile pics (with some miscellaneous link functions under that), friends module, your Top Page comments (unless you delete all of them), and your background. You can hide the rest of the 360, but if that's not private enough, then you should move to another social-networking service.

    Now, you have chosen to enable your IM option in your Y/A profile, thus revealing your Yahoo ID. But I used the ID to try to search for your 360 and I could not find one. So, if don't_panic_22 is not the ID you're talking about, then you might want to clarify this question with the correct ID.

    Simply, if you don't want people to be able to find you by your Yahoo ID, then don't reveal your Yahoo ID anywhere. Don't enable the IM options. In the "Settings" page's "Yahoo Identity Display" area, choose the first "Display Me" option. Don't enable any Simple URL options. (Make sure all fields marked with a red asterisk on that page are completely filled in or the system will not save your changes).

    But you can't totally hide your 360 space. It will be in the search pages somewhere. You can only make it harder to find.

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