
Everyone with story writing ability; bring your best :)?

by  |  earlier

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Hi Everyone.. call this a kind of competition :) write a short story, and post it as your answer here. I'll judge the stories based on a critique of writing abilities, the use of discourses and plain talent. The winner will get 10 points (not much i know :l) but have fun!! I will post the winner tomorrow- approximately 24 hours as we are all on different time zones.

ive done a quick example

Have Fun!!!!!

The reflection of the moon hit her in face as she leant forward for a better look, scuttling back into the darkness when the patrol passed below her ledge. They weren’t the source of her fear; she knew the maze of the city’s rooftops as well as she knew the ground. She just didn’t want to have to run from them, and circle around to get were she was. What a waste, she thought. The source of the resounding footsteps of the crowns guard was the vast silence caused by the city’s curfew. Anyone caught outside whilst in curfew hours would be held by the crowns guard. That enough set the imaginations of the townsfolk into a flurry.

She crept around the side of the merchants house she was hiding on, careful not to fall through a window. She didn’t even have to try to be quiet, being known for her sleekness back at the stables. Or his sleekness. She grinned as she thought of her new job as a stable boy. For years she’d been running and hiding, a ‘slum’ kid being orphaned at a young age, but recently was able to get a job where she could work with animals. She loved it, but knew the dangers of a young girl in a big city, so kept to herself and acted like a boy. No one asked twice, no girl around here would even contemplate having a boy’s haircut. But it wasn’t just her gender she had to be careful about. There was something else that was entirely dangerous about her; something that she had to guard. Her Ability. The stable boys were already envious about the jumps that she could make easily from the rafters to the ground, so she didn’t think it wise to show them what she could really do.

But that was why she was out at nighttime, scurrying across the rooftops, stretching and leaping, to satisfy the wild side of her.

She reached the end of the building at a fast run, and leapt from the next, to the next, circling around the guards that were on watch. She had a purpose tonight. She had to try. Just to see if she could manage the huge leap onto the crowns night guard watch house, onto the royal building itself; risky, but worth it, she thought with a smile.

She rounded the corner with the grin still on her face, into the arms of the waiting soldiers. They were as startled as she was, but had obviously been waiting for someone else, so were able to slam the baton into her side before she was able to run.

The smile on her lips faded as the darkness swept upon her.


The girl becomes a servant in the crowns kitchen, and is soon serving the royals. They realise she is a girl and her hair grows back. The knights of the crowns guards are having dinner one knight when one jokingly throws a dart at another knight, one that had saved her from the brutality of the guards that had caught her. She didn’t know it was a joke, and used her ability to catch the dart in mid flight- the men then realise from her outstanding catch that’s she’s one of them; a protector, a mythical race also known as Faeries. They hate that name so they call themselves the protectors. They’ll take her under their wing and train her, as shes the first female with ability. Soon though, they’ll need her as an evil force sweeps through the land....





  1. here's a link for mine. it's too big to actually post up here. sorry.

  2. It's not my best and it's not that short, but it's what Ive been working on lately, just for fun.

  3. This sounds fun! I might do this on a writing site I'm on You should check it out, they actually have some cool stuff there. I'm going to work on my story.... post it soon.

  4. I hope you have a panel of experts to do the judging.

    I will edit when I have a story.



    My excerpt has been up long enough for others to read, so I am deleting it.


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