
Everyones mean.....??

by  |  earlier

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This is gonna sound mellow-dramatic but i dont care anymore.

Today one of my friends got called a nerd so i defended him

and said "he's just smart!!"

and she said "that makes him a nerd."

and i said "oh well i guess i'm a nerd too"

I know 4 people at my new school (8th grade) and one of them who i dont really know that well told me how people have been saying i have an attitude problem. I know she's not lying because one girl already said i did to me and i'm SILENT!! I dont talk or anything because i'm new and i always get made fun of!!!!!!!

And it hurts....

What can i do??




  1. ahhh im a new kid 2, i know how it feels i think what they mean by attitude problem is when u stand up for your friends.  Good 4 u btw for standing uo for your friends!!  Anyways, try being nice and itll all work out!

    Good luck 4m 1 new kid 2 another!!


  2. Just be nice to people and they will be friends with you be very social.
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