
Everyones pressuring me to decide what career path to follow....

by  |  earlier

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but i have no idea im nearly 17 am still at school and i honestly have no idea what i want to do i dont have any real interests.

have u got any suggestions?

plz help




  1. dont let anybody pressure you into making this decision now. there are thousands of careers that a 17 yr old doesn't even know exist.

    you don't have to seriously start thinking about careers until you enteer your third year of college, and even then it's not written in blood-you just may have to stay in school more than 4 years if you change your major after that, because that's when you satrt taking the most impotant classes for a major. By then, you will have been exposed to a lot morepeople, experiences, ideas and concepts. you will also discover more of what you are good at and like.

    DO go to college-it will prepare you for whatever you decide and will provide the exposure to many things that will guide you in making a decision.

    the main factors for a happy career-

    something you are good at

    something you are interested in

    something with some employment potential (not a blacksmith)

    with education, passion and skill you will be successful.

  2. Why are you being pressured?  Are you in a family of professionals?  If you are college material try that.  The first couple of years are mostly general courses anyway and will allow you to look at different degree options and as a result career possibilities.  I went to college because I knew college graduates made more money than high school grads but beyond that had no idea what I wanted to do.

    If you are not college material, or just do not want to go, then you need to do some serious evaluation of where you want to be in 10 years.  People without skills have trouble getting jobs and keeping them.  There are trade schools both white and blue collar and there is also the military.  Talk with your school career counselor.  Take some aptitude tests to see where you interests are.

    Bottom line don't rush it.

  3. you have to do something you really like and make sure your not just in it for the money cause if you are your going to hate your job later on

    dont let anyone pressure you into studying something your not interested in

    good luck

  4. i dont got any suggestions because i dont know what you like to do and who you are so i cant help you there

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