
Everyones saying that the world?

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will end on the11th of may 2008 is this true or just a rumor? weird im going on holiday on the 12.. someone on htis game told me, he said it was in a magazine with a guy with a mostache and a pic of the world in flames, im going crazy here is it true?




  1. Yes it's true, i have it direct from Ming the Merciless that on 11 May 2008 at exactly 13:15 Zulu time, he will launch the final attack.

  2. I can't say for sure that the world won't end on May 11th, or in the next five minutes for that matter.  But whoever is claiming to know the exact date is full of hooey.  If you believe every mustache-wearing guy who gets his crack-pot theory published in a magazine, then you're going to spend your life swallowing a lot of horse manure.

    To be on the safe side though, I'd start your holiday on the tenth, and spend that holiday in Kentucky.  Mark Twain always said that he wanted to be in Kentucky when the world ended because everything happens seven years later there.

  3. I'd say don't believe everything you hear. That may be the opinion of someone, but it doesn't always mean it's right. For example, I haven't even heard of that at all. So all I have to say is have fun on your vacation, and the world isn't going to end and ruin the trip. :)

  4. Really? Because I heard that we'll make it to December 23, 2012...Then the world will end.... you be the judge

  5. On May 11, 2008, state driver's licenses and identification cards will not be accepted for federal purposes unless DHS determines a state is compliant, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

    May 11, 2008 - May 18, 2008. Monday the 12th. Conference: "Kellogg Institute 25th Anniversary Conference"

    Global Day of Prayer 2008 will come upon us sooner than we think. Be praying that the Lord would bring His people an even greater Pentecost on May 11, \

      That's all I know about!!

  6. are you talking morning, afternoon, or night? I'm trying to plan my day.

  7. For some reason certain people are not content with living their lives fully and respecting other people. So they come up with these bizarre ideas that the world will end  on a certain day.  Practically every day is the last day of the world in someone's mind.  And, this garbage has been going on for millenia.  Heck, in the bible the "end times" were going to occur any day, and that was over 2000 years ago-christians are still waiting!  So disregard anything you hear about the world ending. Be concerned if you see the sun suddenly expand or wink out, or a large asteriod appears headed toward the earth. Otherwise, mankind has little impact on the existence of this planet, and it will likely be around billions of years after the human race is not even a memory any longer.

  8. I'll be in New York city that week.

    Crazy how things work out sometimes isn't it.

    I wouldn't worry about it.

  9. In the nigth, morning or in the evening? I need to know becouse I want to be open eyes so i don't lose it

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