
Everything I see is really blurry, what's wrong with me???

by  |  earlier

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My symptoms are everytime I wake up in the morning, I get up and my head starts pounding and I get really dizzy and black out for a couple of seconds before it stops. My eyes are really dry and everything I see is blurry and it seems like it isn't really there, kind of like depersonalization disorder but I doubt I would have something like that. Also, I have really sensitive gums and have trouble talking because I put words in the wrong order a lot and have a lot of salivia in my mouth. Also when I get nervous my eyes start water a lot and I get a huge headache and feel very anxious and I can't think clearly because my mind won't stop wandering. I never felt like this before, my doctor thinks it's allergies but isn't sure. I'm only 14 what does this sound like it could be? I don't think I need glasses because this just started this year which btw has been a very stressful year. Please help I'm scared, idk what to do.




  1. Stress causes everything. Stay away from what makes you stressed. Your mind sounds overworked and is trying to tell you something is wrong. Find some thing that relaxs you. Yoga, reading, something that will take away from the stress.

  2. You have a lot of symptoms so I doubt it's an allergy or stress (but I could be wrong)

    I would press your Mum and Doctor for more tests (Quickly) even if only to ease your mind.

    I knew a chap in the same position. The tests showed that unequal amounts of blood was going to each side of his brain.


    Pagrus (above) seems a very nasty sort of person, don't rise to his bait


    Best Wishes

  3. You need to talk to someone may be a member of your family, and get them to take you to see the doctor

  4. I feel sorry for you!!!!! if i were you i would go and get allergy testing done. Is there anything in your room that you could be allergic to? Any medication? Think of areas that cause you more headaches than any other. Then tell your doctor about your research.

  5. whenever i stand up i get really blurry too. and my tongue and mouth go numb. so it sounds a lot like what your symptoms.

    i went to the doctor and my doctor said it was because my blood pressure sky rockets when i stand up at first. in order to fix this i am suppose to drink a lot more water. so push the fluids big time! also make sure you are eating enough. i ate very little but now i eat more and i can tell a difference! and make sure that your not just eating junk food get a good well balanced diet!

    hope this helps!

  6. i sorry for you


  7. You need to just relax, kick back and have a few drinks. What I find really helpful to have a real fun relaxed stress and anxiety free day is to drink a lot. Have a few good swigs in the morning, take a hip flask with you when you go out, or go to school or work, and then get stuck into the booze in the late afternoon. It really gives you a good night’s sleep and when you wake up feeling a bit fuzzy the next morning a few good swigs will set you up for another good stress free day. I find Vodka good as people do not smell it on your breath. I’m having a ball and doing really well with my studies at University. I have a great part time job at a local book store and the management have no idea I’m half pissed all the time, I got employee of the month for the last two months and I am leading part time sales by heaps this month. It certainly makes the time go quick and adds a lot of fun to the day.

  8. Genetics?

                        Ur doctor is useless,you could either:

    A:Find a new doctor thats actually smart!

    B:Wait a week and if it doesnt stop go to the emergency room.

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