
Everything You Know About?

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I REALLY want to work in a dance studio when I grow up. I only do tap and ballet, but I wanna like, own a dance studio, and I figure it would be nice to know a littleabout other kinds of dance, or even just more about tap and ballet.

1) What's all the kind of dance you do?

2) What's your favorite one?

3) Tell me 5 really good to know things about your favorite. Espeshilly if it's modern or lyrical.




  1. I would love to do the exact same thing. Now, about the questions.

    1) I do so may different kinds of dance:

           - Tap

           - Jazz

           - Ballet

           - Lyrical

           - Modern

           - Pointe

           - Hip-Hop

           - Contemperary

           - Repertoire

    2) I do so much dancing, it's hard to chose my favorite, but my top 5 are probably Tap, Lyrical, Jazz, Contemperary and Modern.


       Modern is kind of a mix between Jazz and Ballet. The steps are sharper than ballet, but more flowing than Jazz.

       Lyrical is one of my favorites because it really expresses the true art form of dance.

       In Lyrical, dancing to the Lyrics of the song really create the movements, making them exciting and interesting to watch.

       I hope this helps a bunch.

  2. there is alot of pepole who say it sucks butt it doesnt i dance to any kind interpit music for def people and say too them as idance walk ith them keep up thgood work and dance youre heart out

  3. 1] well I only do ballet and pointe dance

    2] pointe is my favorite

    3] pointe takes hard work and dedication.

    if you don't love it you can't do it.

    the pointe dances can be really fast or really slow but always graceful. you should bring Band-Aids with you to pointe class for blisters.

    you should get your first 3 pairs of pointe shoes fitted.=^..^=        

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