
Everything about raising chickens?

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We live in a place where there aren't many farms at all around and well my dad and i want a pet chicken, 2 or 3.

We are thinking of buying a dog house at a yardsale for them to stay, is that fine?

And i have a fence about 6 feet tall, they won't get out rite?

What kind of food is good for them? Can i just put the food and water in a normal big bowl or do i need a special bowl or something?

Is there a certain temperature they need to be at? (these are all hens, no roosters and no baby chicks)

And, am i missing anything else? (We are raising the chickens for their eggs, of course)




  1. You got  the basics- shelter and a fence...for their safety, make sure no predators can get in and they cant get out...6 ft high should be fine.  As for food, a local feed store can sell you a mix of feed made especially for laying hens.  Also give them some cracked oyster schells so thier gizards can work properly and digest food right.  As for water and food, any dish will work as long as it is easy for them to reach.. Also line the doghouse with straw or hay and change it often...good luck!

  2. Ahh...the wonderful world of chickens. =]

    Yes, a dog house should be just fine for your chickens but it must be big enough to give them a little space to roam. I reccomend you build a barbwire fence around the outside of the doghouse as chickens prefer to spend their days outside and sleep inside. As for feed, grits usually work fine.

    Good Luck!

  3. ummmm chikens eat corn and dont let chicks out in the morning if there is dew on the grass it will kill them and the dog house should work but you need to build shelves with built in boxes for each hen

  4. Hello

    first thing what a wonderful idea you had for getting chickens

    I have 34 myself ;)

    A dog house as a house?

    well providing it can keep your chickens comfy and not squashed and has plenty of ventilation (but no droughts ) and is predator proof that should be ok. .

    But bare in mind in that dog house . .  you will need a place for perches and nesting boxes and possibly food and drink containers (depending on where you want to feed them)

    a dog house like the one in the link would be ok for 2-3 hens (obviously with a door)

    to be truthful the height of the fence will depend on the type of hen you get . . But if you are getting a hen like "rhode island red" or "Isa browns" then 6 foot will be fine and they will stay in as long as they are content. (food, water etc)

    Food wise? If you want your hens to be happy healthy and lay well then you must give them either layers pellets or layers mash both are fine and you can get them at your local feed store or creamery.

    But chickens must also have grit at all times and fresh fruit and veg (not household scraps) at least 3 times a week

    my chickens love swedes watermelons, cabbage  and apples the most

    Yes you can put the chicken food into a normal containers But if the dish is not deep or heavy enough they will get into the bowel and scratch it everywhere creating a mess. water can be given in a container like a dog bowel or even a cat litter tray But if you can get proper poultry drinkers and feeders these are much better and will last longer

    here is a poultry drinker

    and a poultry feeder

    as you can see both are quite alike and come in many sizes =)

    as long as their house is not too hot or cold that wil be fine.

    unless they are chicks then they need a heat lamp for the first 6 weeks.

    anything else? Not too much You seem to be well prepared . .

    Just make sure they will be safe from predators day and night . .

    amd also they will need some kind of beddinng in their house softwood shavings are ideal and you can put straw in the nest boxes

    the house will nead claening out reguraly

    and you will need to treat your hens for fleas and worms often.

    (as a preventative mainly)

    Good luck

    (feel free to e-mail me if you have any more questions).

  5. haha, funny, i went across this site and laughed my butt off when i heard ppl actaully wanted to raise it is, idk if it'll help!:

  6. You will need one rooster and about 4 or 5 hens to get eggs. The pen is fine. The dog house may not work, You might need something bigger. And just put their food in a large bowl or trough. They need to be locked up at night so that nothing gets them. And if its cold you will need to get them a heat lamp or something to keep them warm.  

  7. Plenty Of Oats and Fresh watter with a Fan and a shady spots.

  8. I owned many chcikens and know quite a bit. I have had them for 10 years or so.

    Usually chickens dont like to lay there eggs on the ground actually. They prefer up in a nest box. If you build a coop with a shelv on it and place a wooden box on it with straw in it, that will be best. You can use a doghouse, but they take up a bit of room.

    Usualy they will saty int he yard. If you raise them from babies, they definatly shouldnt. As long as you feed them they should definatly stay. If you get them when they are 5-6 months or older, at laying age than you should clip the tip of there wings, this defiantly may help. But they shoudlnt. If they go over the fence, they will come right back over for feed and stuff.

    They can eat scratch corn feed, this is at your local Tractor Supply Store. If you get them younger than 2 months, you need to feed them starter feed, a brand is Dumor feed wich is great.

    I prefer something sterdy and heavy. There is metal pans I use. They are sterdy and heavy which is great s they wont tip over. Or even use Atomatic feeder and waterers if youd like. I use the metal ones that are about 2 inches thick. There is also black tuberware feeling bowels with a food one oneside and water ont eh other for them. But a regualer dogbowel is ok. Soething that is approx 2" thick(tall). Tractor supply has them.

    " Is there a certain temperature they need to be at?" I dont understand that Q, They dont need to lay eggs in a temp. Usually any temp thats warmish they lay eggs in. Some can lay in colder weathers as wll. They can also handle cold and warm temperatures too.

    Make sure that you have a nice place to lay eggs in. If you have a fenced in yard, they dont need a coop to be built. They do need a shed or somehting like tht, even a garage to be put up at night. Make sure that where tht will be put up at night has a roost, like this


    Mine stay in garage at night. If you keep thm in a area to keep them safe fro coons and such, they will come in that same area. This is a good nesting area...


    DO you have a privacey fence? They wil animals should be able to get them, but you never know.

    Good Luck, If you need any help feel free to email me

  9. New Chick Care First 60 Days:

        * Housing - Can be as simple as a sturdy cardboard box or a small animal cage like one you'd use for rabbits.

        * Flooring - Pine shavings work best

        * Temperature - 90 to 100 deg. for the first week, decrease 5 deg. per week.  A 100 watt bulb pointing in one corner (not the whole house) works well.

        * Food & water - chick crumbles & chick waterer

        * Play time - Play with your chicks when young to get the use to being around people.

        * Outside time - Section off an area in your yard where the chicks can explore, scratch, etc.  Make sure you can catch them when it's time to come in.

        * More details: Raising Chicks

    After First 60 Days: General Chicken Care:

        * Housing - Time to build a chicken coop!  Rule of thum is about 3 - 4 sqare feet per chicken. Keep local predators in mind and make a safe home for your flock!

        * Flooring - Pine shavings still work best.  You can even try the deep litter method for really easy cleanup

        * Food & water - Most people go with chicken layer feed / pellets. Homemade chicken feeder / waterer

        * Treats - Vegetables, bread, bugs, chicken scratch (cracked corn, milo, wheat)

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