
Everything and anything abou weed?

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i was wondering if you guys can just spew out all the basic things bout weed... terms pros cons what you can smoke it with... everything....




  1. Cons:

    1. It's illegal. (you'll go to jail for having it in your possession)

    2. can cause you to go insane (especially when mixed with other drugs )

    3. can cause memory loss, delusion or other illnesses

    4. will cuase you to feel lethargic


    1. good for glaucoma

    2. will make you feel good (this may be a con also)

  2. get a friend to loan you a bong. you could just roll a joint but bongs are way better. if its ur first time buying some take someone that smokes and u trust to make sure your not getting ripped off.

  3. OK

    Pros are:

    Great amazing high with no paranoia side effects after effects anything! :)

    Is not addictive!!!

    Is fun!

    Helps you concentrate on artistic, work such as painting etc

    Relieves physical pain  (it does wonders to my arthritis)

    and so much more

    Is simply great!

    It's not true as the guy says above me that it makes you dumb, stops your mind from growing or does anything like that

    Scientists even proved that long term marijuana use makes your brain cells grow which helps your memory!


    not many really, if you smoke to much for days you get a bit of a smokers cough and a sore throat in the morning

    You  might put on a pound from the munchies :)

  4. Marijuana comes from the Hemp plant , the proper latin term for it is Cannibis Sativa the flowering tops from the female plant are smoked for its intoxicating effects the main chemical that gets you the "High" is THC Tetra hdyracannibol 9  it is an herb that has been around for thousands of years

  5. Pros:

    -Uplift mood

    -Expand mind

    -Think from a different perspective


    -Music sounds better

    -Comedy is funnier

    Short-Term (While High) Cons:

    -Short-term memory loss

    -Paranoia (not always, not for everyone)

    -Anti-social (not always, not for everyone)

    -Think sitting on couch is the way to have a great time

    Long-Term Heavy Use Cons:

    -Think doing nothing all day is a productive life

    -Memory Loss


    -Stop maturing from the age started heavy use

    -Learning is difficult

    Long-Term Cons After Stopping Heavy Use:

    -Short Term Memory Loss (while sober (not as obvious as when stoned, but it's there))

    -Realize sitting on couch was a complete waste of life

    -Realize how immature and undeveloped mind is compared to other people of same age

    -Learning is not as easy as it would be if spent years exercising mind instead of wasting mind.

    It is one thing to smoke a doobie at a party once in a while, it is another to stay fried all day. Heavy use of marijuana does have negative side-effects (as do all drugs, including alcohol).  Kids who start at a young age are more prone to addiction than adults who have allowed their body and mind to mature and develop.

    Marijuana is highly psychologically addictive. Take a look at the kids you know who smoke pot. Most of them will be daily or weekly users. They may appear fine today, some might even be incredibly intelligent, but check back on them 5-10 years from now when the Long-Term use of Marijuana has taken it's toll on them. Unless they learn to slow down or stop, they certainly will not reach their full potential later on in life.

    The difference between a Joint and a Blunt is the paper used to roll them. Joints are marijuana cigarettes, rolled up with rolling papers. Blunts are marijuana cigars, rolled up using the paper of a cigar (emptied out Philly Blunts or Swisher Sweets are commonly used).

  6. A joint is pot rolled in rolling papers. A blunt is pot put into an emptied-out cigar. Pros- Mild to extreme euphoria, increased enjoyment of music, food, "The Matrix", etc. Cons-possible paranoia, decreased reaction time, loss of motivation with excessive use.

  7. Pro: None

    Cons: 1. Long Term Lung damage in chronic use

    2) Short Term Memory loss and thus, long term memory loss too

    3) Development of habit forming (habituation)

    4) Waste of time & $$

    5) Can get caught & go to jail

    6) Can cause accidents when driving

  8. Smoke it pure, in small amounts and not until you've finished high school.

    Everything else you might ever want to know is here:

  9. pros= ok to use, topic starter, good

    con= chases people away, makes people annoying when high, sore throat

  10. well there are differents kinds





    i honestly dont know how they are different, i just know that kush is that icky sticky good as it comes stuff and stress is that icky sh*tty as is comes stuff

    you can smoke it out of almost anything but the most common are joints, blunts, pipes, bubblers, and bongs. when those arent available people will use cans, apples, bottles, pretty much anything.

  11. yes a blunt and a joint are different a blunt is rolled from a cigar you take out the tobacco and fill it with weed it is allot bigger than a joint too.I used to use it all of the time when I was younger it was cool at the time,but now I look back and think what a waste of time and money it is.It makes you content doing nothing and you do get addicted to it.It can affect your appetite making you only want to eat when you are high.It is not the worst drug you can use but it does have its own problems.Personally I wished I never did it but you may have to figure that out on your own best of luck to you!One thing I will say is that there is no proof that it damages brain cells in fact studies show that people who smoked cannabis have a lesser chance of developing Alzheimer's.It did not make me loose my memory and I am still very smart.But I still do not recommend it!

  12. I took a class on it it's really bad for u worse than ciggerettes even. Just stay away from that sort of stuff.

    Cons= expensive, health issues, hard to get a jog, illegal, depend on it so much, ur loopy all the time, kills brain cells

    It pretty much sucks I can't even think of one con to it.

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