
Everything baby food I"I've tried my baby breaks out from?

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I'm calling the doctor on Monday to ask them, I'm just curious if anyone else had this problem and what they did? I've tried peas, bananas, squash, sweet potato, apple, and just recently banana orange medley. He's 6 1/2 months old, I've been trying different foods for 2 1/2 months. The only thing he can eat is formula and baby cereal. Which is fine with me I just want to give him variety. My oldest is extremely lactose intolerant, so I've been told to watch carefully for allergies Does anyone know if these foods have an ingredient in common? Like I said I am calling the doctor on Monday.




  1. To be honest.... this does not sound like an allergic reaction to me, my daughter gets blotches, but thats because she has sensitive skin, you have to remember that baby food is much different than formula the acids and stuff in it will cause the baby to have blotches because they have very new skin. A allergic reaction is hives, constipation, extreme gas, a big rash that does not go away, ect......ect...... Sounds to me like you should stop bouncing around so much and give him food for a couple of days....... if the blotches go away after a few mins i would not be alarmed. give it a chance......

  2. They all have some ingredients in common, but you'll have to consult an allergist.

  3. I made my own baby foods because jared, boxed, store bought foods contain preservatives in order to keep them staying fresh while on store shelves and I didn't want my kids getting that garbage.  My suggestion is to go back to using cereal/formula as a base and add fruits/vegetables to it until the child's system become used to it.  I don't think it is actually an allergy to the foods because with food allergies it usually takes time for the allergy to develop after eating the "wrong" foods and they don't go away after eating.  And just an FYI, dairy allergies and being lactose intolerant are two different things.  From your statement about your oldest being "lactose intolerant" it seems as if you think he has a dairy allergy.  If you oldest is lactose intolerant that means he/she will never be able to ingest dairy products, however dairy allergies usually go away as the child gets older.  I know because I am lactose intolerant and have been my entire life and so are my children.  When my sister was a baby she had a dairy allergy but outgrew it by the time she was in school.

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