
Everything happens for a reason but life isn't fair?

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How come everything happens for a reason but life isn't fair?

Does this make sense to you?




  1. life is fair in karmic exchanges but we don't have knowledge about our past lives to know what they are. But fairness in life isn't what life is about, it's about finding God, and God knows that, so fairness really doesn't matter, only if it blocks souls from finding Him, and if souls aren't trying to find Him, then why bother with illusion and ignorant souls wasting their lives occupied with illusion?

  2. You are so right like a child dieing of cancer or a mother getting killed and leaving her babies behind .What is the reason for that.I lost my daughter when she was born and was bitter for many years and asked God Why it happened to me.What is the reasons for abusing children or harming animals.I hope one day I find this out ..

  3. Not everything happens for a reason.

    Sometimes f**** up things happen to good people

    People convice themselves that ''everything happens for a reason'' to make themselves feel better.

    Life isin't fair and it never will be

    look at all those starving innocent people in africa...there is not other reason for that exept that the world is full of fu*cked up people

  4. If it's unfair to you, it might be fair for everyone else. If you look at something from a grand perspective, it might start to seem like it's fair.How many times you were sad you didn't get something, only to find our later that it wasn't good for you and it wasn't meant to be.

  5. It does make sense if you think about it. Everything, good and bad, does happen for a reason. Although it has a reason, it may not be fair to those it happens to. Think about like when there's a death in the family. It happened for whatever reason it may be, but it's so hard on the family to deal with that it's not fair. But it happens to us all. In some ways, it may not seem fair, when it actually is. In some cases when someone dies, it was good for that person in the sense they wouldn't have to keep suffering anymore. Sorry if that was kinda morbid, but it was the only example I could come up with.

  6. What is the connection between reason and fairness?

  7. it makes sense.

    everything does happen for a reason.

    everything you've been through makes you who you are.

    and yes, life isn't fair.

    sometimes good things happen to bad people

    and sometimes bad things happen to people who don't deserve it.

    but they happen for a reason.

  8. We exist within a causal universe, so everything has a reason.  Every event that happens has neccesary antecedents.  This is simply cause affect, which is not sympathetic to our concerns.  And we don't even choose to be born and live in the first place.  So, simply put, we are forced into an existance in a universe that doesn't give a **** about us.  That's what makes life unfair.  

  9. Nothing happens for a reason.  Everything in life is either caused by something, or random.  Life isn't fair, but it's not unfair either.  It just happens.  It's your human perception that judges it.

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