
Everything hurts, how do I make it stop?

by  |  earlier

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Like, mentally and physically. =/

It's mostly the physical pain that's bothering me. It hurts worse than that time I fell off a horse. And then my eyes are acting all weird... Like, sometimes my vision is insanely blurry and sometimes it's better than usual.

Then the mental pain is the same as what I felt like when I was suicidal (which I haven't been for a few months).

Does anyone know how to make it stop?

Oh.. and I haven't done anything out of the ordinary today. The last thing I did before everything started hurting was cut my wrist a little bit, but it was perfectly safe. There was no chance that I would die.




  1. Cutting is never safe dear. you know that, i know that, everyone knows that.

    Anyways... sumithin's bothering ya. that's obvous. It happens to me too sometimes. Actually my vision has been really light sensitive and blurry lately (+ piqued hearing.. oh so fun (not)) so yeah. it suckkkkkss

    You need to relax. really. Yeah school's started i know, i'm freakin out too :P

    If it's bad, maybe you can take an OCT pain reliver, it does help some, not a lot, but it'll make it more tolerable.

    Another thought, are you breathing normally? If your answer is no, please go sit down somewhere comfortable and warm and make yourself breath slowly and deeply. THAT helps more than you think. I just realized that you did describe about 1/2 the symptoms of a panic attack... Actually, I'm gonna go, i'm loosing g'night :)

  2. Not to scare you , but make sure you see the doctor & check for leukemia. What your saying is the same symptoms my niece had.She was diagnosed 1 year ago.

  3. Depression is a disease that can hurt mentally and physically. I suggest you go to your doctor and he might prescribe you something to help.

  4. ~ hi ~! I'm sorry you're in so much pain. The reality is physical pain can manifest from an emotional level. There was a point in my life after I gave birth to my twins that I had very bad depression (PPD) and I was suffering from incredible physical pain. I felt achy all over and very low energy and it made me feel worse because I felt disconnected from things I usually loved doing. So, that is something to consider - is this pain coming from an emotional level? Are you possibly depressed? Depression is as much an illness as getting the flu and requires treatment. I know there's different beliefs on the course of treatments. But, I will be the first to admit that an anti-depressant helped me at a point in my life when I needed it. I also went to therapy and that helped me develop coping skills. Everything in my life had been easy for me and I had been successful and all of a sudden basic daily tasks were an effort. I had to develop new coping strategies for being the best mother, while facing the reality of working Full time.

    Have you talked to your Doctor? I think that's an important step and also talking to a trusted friend or family member - once I could talk about how I was feeling it became a lot easier.

    Now, as far as the physical issues and blurry vision, I would take your temperature - just to make sure you're not running a fever. You may have the flue and not even realize it. The flu can cause tremendous body pains and that would just require Tylenol or Ibuprofen to bring the fever down (if you have a fever).

    So, definitely take your temperature and if you have a regular Physician I would try to get in as soon as possible for an appointment.

    Also, please find a friend or family member to talk to.  

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