
Everything my partner does at the minute seems to grate on me and i don't know why

by  |  earlier

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I mean the slightest little thing, like him chewing to loud lol. Has anyone experienced this before? and what changes were made to stop it from happening?




  1. have you considered that he might not be the one for you?

  2. Know what you're getting at.

    You're probably a little up tight about a few things right this minute I would presume. That's when I get the same type of feelings as you've described.

    Find something to do that allows you to chill out, then everything else might become a little easier. Otherwise also give some thought to the fact that your paretner may be having the same type of thoughts about you.

  3. talk to him

    You know half these questions can be solved with simple conversation

    thanks for the points though

  4. i think i understand what you're saying...the smallest things-like why would you put the remote there?-oh and munching noises-they just kill it....relax for a bit, drink some water and remember the reason of why you fell in love with him, remember the small things that made you smile and want to be with compare them to these small things that annoy you, i mean you can put of these small annoying things...can't you?  

  5. I experienced the exact same thing with my husband.  Absolutely everything he did got on my nerves and i would end up shouting at him.  We split up and are now getting divorced.  I really wish now (3 years later) that i had tried harder to resolve things but when you are in that situation there seems to be nothing you can do to change things.  The only thing i can suggest is a trial separation - A fresh outlook on your relationship may help.

  6. If things are so bad, and you cannot find time to talk, move on.

  7. Take a lover hon, that way you'll be able to tollerate him better as you'll know that when he's out of the way you'll be going to better things.

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