
Everything necessary inorder to keep a tropical aquarium?

by  |  earlier

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ok so far ive bought:

the tank, including heater and filter.

live plants


2 ornaments (trying not to overcrowd the tank)


magnetic algae scraper

cleaner pump

tropical fish food

a book on tropical fish

and the the water condition and cycle liquid.

if any one would recomned anything that will make anything easier please do say so!

thank you !




  1. No answers sure does mean that everything is in order ;)

    And well done you for asking so many questions before getting your fish, I've heard so-many people coming on hear and asking "help I got a new tank and all my fish died" and they haven't done their re-search so their fish die of poor water quality and high nitrite / ammonia levels.

    Good luck with your new tank, and remember to have plenty of fun. :D

    So when are you going to be getting your fish? Which species are you planning on getting? Single species or Community Aquarium? :D

    Keep us all informed :D

  2. how about ammonia to do a fishless cycle it may take a wee while longer but is better for you and the fish also a api test to check for nitrite nitrate an ammonia levels. by doing these can save a lot of heartache  

  3. I know this has nothing to do with the question but, the neon tetras and  the harlequin rasboras go very well together. I have them in my tropical fish tank along with zebra danios, a cherry barb, glowlight tetras and a flame tetra. These fish all get along, i hope this helps if you want to get more fish in the future :)

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