
Everything obama says??

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how come people say that everything obama says is sugar coated, impossible, or just talk. Why does it have to be impossible, are we just going to believe that amerca is screwed and there is nothing we can do. Why can't we be happy that there is a man that acually wants to make a change. I mean i know its impossible for him as one person to accomplish everything he says but atleast he is leaning in that direction and the next president can continue.




  1. People shouldn't make promises that they don't know whether they can keep them or not.  Some of his promises are just childish rants that he thinks people want to hear.

  2. Republicans cannot afford to believe that he is what he appears to be, because if he is, then they are wrong. would kill them to admit being wrong.

  3. Despite the claims of so many conservatives of their love of country, they do not love their country,nor do they think they country can do any better than it is doing right now.  They feel that if you admit to the fact that America could be doing something better, then you are not a patriot.  They are afraid to do the hard work needed to make America the country it deserves to be.  It is difficult to hope, it is hard to change, if the idealism of Obama leads to even half of the things he hopes for it will be a great day in America.

  4. Launching all those programs to give people everything does not come free. You cant spend like a drunken sailor with out raising taxes.. Let alone lowering taxes....  

  5. Do what you can to assist the campaign and vote. Don't pay too much attention to the naysayers, but don't forget that it won't be easy to win. After Obama wins the schadenfreude will be awesome.

  6. I can't believe that you don't follow the teachings of the gospel according to Obama. Blasphemy!

  7. You are on the right track, some say it can't be done "Republicans"!

    So they don't try, they are Religious they Claim ,but have

    so little Faith, This Country was established on dreams, and all success is preceded by a dream, Politics are no more that a Sport.

    Lie , Bragg , What ever it takes, Some like Obama chooses to say what he will do, rather than what McCane will do , Mc Cane spends all his time saying what Obama will do " He is so Smart"

  8. He won't be able to START, so how can a new president continue? You people think that if Obama gets elected the country will improve immediately. It won't. The changes he is considering will take more than 8 years of presidency to achieve. Further, a lot of people aren't on board with his socialist thinking.  

  9. i don't know, but it sure is a load of bs to me.

    i'm for obama and thats all i have to say!

  10. What change.  He chose a Washington insider with lobbying ties.

    The L.A. Times just popped a big story the Obama-Biden folks don't want to be reading the night the Delaware senator introduces himself to the nation: a potential conflict of interest involving Biden and one of the nation's biggest asbestos litigation law firms — which also happens to be his top contributor.

    The report seems to provide fuel to Obama supporters enraged Illinois senator picked a running mate with such deep ties to the D.C. cash-politics-lobbying world.

  11. I think that all the negativity directed at Obama's campaign of hope and change is based on fear. Fear of change. Fear makes people say unreasonable and cruel things. They may cover it up with pseudo logic, innuendo, and anger but scratch the surface and you'll find fear.

  12. Your post is terrific. There are so many negative people around that it is refreshing to hear from someone that actually has some faith in America and in Obama. Thank you!

  13. Well, let's turn the tables around.  Can you meantion ANYTHING that Obama has actually DONE so far?  He was supposedly serving in the government as a Senator.... and he failed to even vote on many things--unless you just want to count 'here' as a vote--he flaked out and did not even stand up for what he believes. Or says he believes. He took credit for other peoples bills.  Some loyal democrats even put him on their bills even thought he did NOTHING to deserve credit.  He claimed he would serve as a senator but half way through he left to run for president...the guy is after POWER and is on an EGO TRIP.  As far as sugar coated--he want to take away the current tax savings and give every family $1000.  That will cost me! I have several kids and run a small home business.  I don't get free stuff but I have opportunity to support the family. If Obama changes the tax plans like he says I will be put out of business--

    So yeah--the man is all sugar and talk and no proof.  Look at McCain.  That man had done a lot. Obama has not even been faithful in the little he had.... how can we trust him with the whole country?

  14. -_- (is there a question in here?)

    "how come people say that everything obama says is sugar coated, impossible, or just talk."

    I guess they(or their bosses) just don't like him.

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