
Everything you know about Samsung Hue?

by Guest32036  |  earlier

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Okay here some info you probaly dont need to know i bought a phone today from alltel and they didnt tell me anything about it! and i was wondering do you know a site where i can get free mp3 songs? without downloading anything and i read somewhere that i can buy bluetooth sticks or w/e for my phone anyone know where and how much (dont suggest alltel b/c they have to high of prices and idk) but yea and can anyone tell me any tips or any info i mite need to know?





  1. i've never heard of the phone before... sorry!

    i dont really know where you can get FREE mp3 songs from...

    unless you wanna risk limewire which has been known to give viruses.... ickk. (and you need to download their software)

    but walmart sells mp3 downloads for pretty cheap... but you need to have windows media player...


    i really dont know what else to tell you = [

  2. sorry about no one helping you... i heard about alltel before but i would try websites like i have a blackberry i can download songs like ringtones and stuff.  

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