
Everything you suggest I've tried, so what else is there?

by  |  earlier

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I am depressed and have anxiety problems- I've seen a therapist, I'm on medications, I've been locked down in a physch ward for a week b/c I was out of control. I am made fun of at school, like having ppl. take pictures of me siting alone by myself, and posting it on some website. I am overweight, I have tried every sport imaginable, nothing seems to interest me, my true passion is writing. I eat salads constantly with little dressing. I have tried to commit suicide so many times but I was afraid, and inexperienced. I have tried talking to my parents but because I am so nervous about everything, my parents get stressed from all my problems, I have family issues, not to mention we are in total debt and having to have reduced lunches at school and borrow money like crazy...I'd really like a bf, someone to actually like me but I can't find anyone...I feel like the world is against me, I'm literally all alone, I have no true real support system, not even myself, I am so unstable...I've tried any and everything that everyone has suggested, I truly have given it my best effort...but nothing....




  1. Hi

    I'm very sorry you are having so many problems.  Sounds like your parents are too. And this adds to yours.  I''m sure they love you very much, but they don't know what to do. Like you.  Do you have any family that you could go stay with for a few weeks to get things sorted out in your mind? Sometimes the stress of being in your environment,  causes an effect of not being able to see answers to the problems you are having and facing. Plus a more positive atmosphere would help you right now, if you have an outside family member, who would let you visit. Being in a psyche ward doesn't count!  That's just to control you.

    What do you like to write about? Do you write poetry? Keep a journal?  How about doing some research, since you like to write, {me too} about the things that are really bothering you?  There are so many people going through hard times.  Extend yourself, towards the fear and anxiety of other people. It helps to know, that you are not alone, from being suicidal, thinking about being over weight and no one likes you because you are a loner. {there's nothing wrong with being over weight, and there is nothing wrong with being by your self when you are surrounded at school by a bunch of people who are cruel and think they are better than you}.  Point is, you are a very special person, because there is only one of you on this planet!

    Your ideas, your dreams, your desires, your fears, your pain, is what makes you who you are. There is no one like you!  Please don't give up on you.  I won't. I know there is a beautiful person inside of you!  You know what I'd really like to do? I wish I could have a big enough place, so I could give to people who were going through the turmoil, like you, a place where they could come to and find peace and love and a chance to grow, emotionally....

    Ok, here's the deal.  Stop trying so hard. Sit back this weekend and go to a quiet place, and write.  Write what you love, write what you hate, write your dreams, write about your fears, what would make you happy, and what makes you sad. Write about what you see in nature that gives you joy. Listen to nature, and write how that makes you feel.  Look at the young squirrel and see how he learns to survive, carrying that acorn across the electrical wires, back to the nest that he has grown from infant to young adult....see the survival  in nature.  Feel the wind on your face, write about how it feels, to you. Write about the music you like, Any thought that crosses your mind, write it.  

    This will help you understand your self, this will give you insight into yourself.  This will give you something more to think about, in  a positive light, whether it is a good thought or a negative feeling.

    Right now, you don't need a boyfriend.  You need yourself.  Remember always, that there are people that are out here that do care.  You can't see them, you can't touch them, but we're here.  

    Also, it's not your place to worry about the financial issues your family is facing.  That's their problem and they will take care of your physical needs.  Let it go. Your too young to be worrying about it.  Sounds like you've taken on too much to fast in short life time.  It's about you, now.    The world isn't against you, your world has become to small to contain all the beauty inside of you.

    May you find the love, peace and guidance within your self to over come this feeling of total helplessness! It is within you!

    Many Blessings


  2. Your anxiety may be due to a medical problem. If at all possible see your family doctor to have some blood tests etc. done. As for your parents, they may be stressed or frustrated and not know what to do to help you. Your problem of being over weight may be medically based as well and not something you can deal with without  medical help. As for a best friend, well, I have found that acquaintances in life are many but friends are far and few in between. To have a true friend you must first be one to yourself. Know that the world is full of problems and your just passing through it! Take a deep breathe and relax.........'This too shall pass!'

  3. You can chat with me if you want, sounds like you need a friend to talk to.

    Don't worry about athing, everything will be fine. You just need to believe in yourself. once you can respect your self it makes it more easy to make yourself happy. your an amazing person, everyone is. you just need to find something about yourself you like.

    just talk, smile and be nice to people and they will be the same back to you and make you feel better. Try and do something nice for someone everyday and it will slowly lead to people being nice and do things for you.

    Don't give up, you can make friends easy, infact i will be your friend if you want me to. no matter what happens things will get better may take them but it will be worth it.

    Good Luck :)

    (just e-mail and time if you want)

    i do think this may help;...

  4. ok hun i will tell you the only thing you can do is to think positive about the situation know that you are a strong say you want a bf but how are you going to be in a realationship now when you still are having these problems.hun you have to think strong and know that you are going to overcome this i have been going through the same thing for 19 years and i have found the strength to get over it.remember when negigtive thought starts cover it up with positive thought.

  5. I've notice you wrote that you have a passion for writing. Good! Focus on that, because that is something positive. Write stories about situations your dealing with or simply write a diary of your own life. The more you practice the more you get better. When you get older, you could have a chance at publishing something that could go very far. I'm sorry about the negative things that have been affecting you, but whenever something bad comes up, write it down and keep it in a safe place.

    Edit: It's not impossible to think positive. Whenever you think a negative thought change that thought into something great. Even though your head might know your lieing, the more you keep doing it the more you will have strength to stay positive. For example: If your head says "I'm ugly", change that to "I'm a beautiful person with many talents." Keep trying and don't give up.

  6. =\ I'm so sorry sweetie...people can be really cruel...I don't know how I can help you...but if you ever need anyone to talk to, just email me! I'm allwayyysss at my computer =]

  7. Sounds to me like you are the victim of trying too hard. What good is a world that can't accept you? Please understand, I'm not encouraging suicide. I just think you have expectations that aren't reasonable. The world is a cruel place, especially at school. Do you really want friends there, when they torment you so? If writing is your passion, then you should find your solice there. Writing is extremely therapeutic for many people. If you want friends, you have the internet at your fingertips. There are many people who feel as lonely as you do, and many of them would feel fortunate to have you as a friend.

    I'm not just talking out of my ***, either. I grew up in a house with no money. As in, we went 3 months without electricity. I've been on antidepressants. I've felt completely isolated. Suicide is not the answer. My mother committed suicide when I was 14 (I'm 28 now), and it still haunts me. I can only offer what worked for me, and it's not easy.

    Stop worrying about what others think or say.  If someone has something nice to say, absorb it, remember it, enjoy it. If someone is insulting you, ignore them.  Life is too short to constantly worry what other people think. It's your life, and you should make the most of it.

    I'd be happy to offer more specific ideas for you. I'm not going to post my email address on here, but you can send me an email through here and I will get back with you. My internet connection isn't very reliable, so it may take a day or two for me to reply to you. I will reply if you contact me, though.

    Just remember, life is what you make of it. If something doesn't work out, no matter what it is, you can always try again. Suicide is a long term solution to a short term problem. Enjoy what you have instead of worrying about what you don't have.

  8. I know the world can be cruel. I've been made fun of and asked out as a joke. Don't give up on life yet, and if your true passion is writing, then write. Write your little hear out, it'll make you feel better, trust me. And if you have no friends, then I'll be your friend! You can contact me whenever you want, or feel down. I have e-mail open and would love to help you. I'm only 12, but I can make a difference. I know I will. And besides, I'm an extremely happy person, I think you would like that. I'll listen to you! Keep writing, don't let anyone stop you. :)

  9. You seem to have suffered with this a for quite a while now and tried many tactics. You basically mentioned almost everything I thought to suggest - except one.  Have you tried God ?  I will pray for you.  Maybe you could try praying for you ?

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