
Everythings made to be broken?

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Does that include hearts?




  1. Lona,

    There's one, only 'One', in this life you can be sure of, that will not break your heart.

  2. If your heart was broken you'd be dead.

  3. Break time, break space, break God.

    Nothing can break true love.

  4. hearts,promises,laws i could go on but i think it is what makes life worthwile.  and it makes you question what is really meaningful in life.

  5. ...especially matters of the hearts...

  6. Hearts are not meant to be broken they are meant to be taken on a journey, this is a piece I wrote after a very important relationship of mine changed direction, I've always stuck by it, maybe it can help you...

    Love is a road that stretches on in many directions. No one has a map to it. No one knows if they are going the right way. We can only have faith in where the road is leading us. We need to trust those who drive us, and when the ride ends or perhaps takes a different direction we need to trust, no matter what direction it is, it is the right one. After all we did get in the car with them if you didn’t trust them in the first place you shouldn’t have.

    What may seem a dark turn can be a perfectly sunny one we must simply choose to see the stars through the clouds. There are many types of love and there is no lesser love to another, one must learn to accept not to move on exactly, but learn to live with it carry it not as a burden but as an experience. We must look back not with tears but with the knowledge that because we chose to it ended or moved on well.

    Friends are lovers, just of a different sort, be sure in all you do and drive down this road with a smile :).

  7. Yes.

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