
Everytime I drink full fat coke?

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my teeth just feel horrible,it doesnt happen when I drink full sugar other drinks,I always prefer diet coke and this morning I am just gonna stick to it as full fat coke is ewwwwwww




  1. coke has no fat in it, its sugar.......coke has so much sugar in it can clean toilets covered in damages your teeth if you have too much of it

  2. You drink 'diet croak'?

    Strewth! Are you sick???

    I wouldn't put any coke or pepsi in me, not unless there was a gun at my head!

    Aspartame kills. Do some research on the stuff.

    Aspartame makes you fatter.

  3. And your question is..?

    Its sugar, not fat.

  4. I can't dink original coke either. It makes me ill. I'm fine with others, though I don't really like the cola taste.

  5. I feel the exact same way. You cant exactly say that it is full fat, more like full sugar as soft drinks dont contain any fat. i suggest cutting down on the coke, I hate the stuff

  6. Hee, glad someone else calls it "full fat" coke.  My friends and I have been calling it that for years!

    Do you mean that your teeth get all "furry"?  Like you need to brush them?

    Yep, that's the reason I only drink Diet Coke or Pepsi furry teeth!

  7. mmm.

    try putting a baby tooth in a glass of coke for one night.

    it wont be there when you wake up in the morning.

    thats why your teeth will feel horrid after drinking it.

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