
Everytime I give my kitten a bath, when hes drying off theres so much tiny little bugs all over his furr.

by  |  earlier

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I dont know where there are coming from my house is always clean but the bugs stick onto my kittens furr.

please help. ty




  1. They are fleas.  You can get him a flea collar, but he may be too young for the topical remedies.

  2. Probably fleas, or ticks.I doubt it would be mite. Get some kitty shampoo with bug killer in it and some flea and tic spray for your home and spray all over the place.

  3. You need frontline or advantage for the flees.  but please make sure that your kitten is at least six weeks old before you apply anything to treat the flees.  Also, you can take him to the vet and they can spray him as well.  But, if he is younger than 6 weeks old, you will need to hang on until he is of age.

  4. If they're black they are most likely fleas. If you're using a flea shampoo then they are most likely dead fleas.

    However, fleas spread and multiply out of control in a short amount of time. I would flea bomb the house, remove the kitten from the house first. You may have to bomb the house twice, a few weeks apart.  Perhaps you could do it while going to the vet's office. Depending on the age of your kitten depends on what remedy you can you.

    Good luck.

    PS: You can have a spotlessly clean house and still have fleas!

  5. Number one: Stop bathing your kitten!  Kittens are small and don't regulate their body temperature well; you could send your kitten into shock. There's no reason to bathe a kitten, and rarely a reason to bathe a cat!  Cats are naturally very fastidious and clean! Number two: Fleas on a kitten can cause anemia and death, especially a very small kitten.  If your kitten is a couple of months old, you can purchase Frontline at your vet.  For now, use a flea comb on your kitten: fill a bowl with warm soapy water and carefully and slowly comb through his fur.  When you see fleas, if he has them, on the comb, quickly dip the comb in the warm water.  Oddly enough, the fleas don't jump off the comb too quickly, and it's easy to drown them in the soapy water.  Also, if your kitten does have fleas, you'll see flea "dirt", dark flecks in his fur that look bloody when moistened.  Number 3: DO NOT APPLY ANY FLEA CONTROL PRODUCTS TO A CAT THAT ARE FORMULATED FOR DOGS!  Cats are very sensitive to pesticides.  Also, don't overdose your cat on flea products...too much is toxic!  And please, stop bathing your poor kitten!

  6. Sounds like fleas.  Take him to the vet or a groomer for a proper flea bath and then get kitty on preventive flea meds.

  7. definately fleas take it to a vet or wash it with flea shampoowich you mostly get from ..well a vet

  8. Sound like your cat has the case of: Fleas. It normal and all they do is just make the cat itch. You can go to your local store and by a flea collar or flea treatment but make sure you read if your cat is old enough to use them. When your cat is wet is probably the best time to use your fingernails and kill some of them by hand. But remember: FLEAS CAN  LIVE IN WATER DONT TRY TO DROWN THEM!!! My cats use to get fleas all the time. Usually i put flea medicine on them 1 week every year to prevent them from coming Good Luck!! Bye!! ♥

    P.S. If you do kill them with your fingernails cut off or squish the head!!

  9. Fleas?

  10. These could be a number of different bugs such as mites, lice, or fleas. Fleas are most likely, but you should take him to the vet to see what they are and to get medication to get rid of them.  

  11. Sounds like your kitten has fleas.  Check with your vet for the proper treatment.

    Good Luck!

  12. maybe there is fleas in the water and ways cat's don't take baths

  13. sounds like fleas. advantage and frontline stop the breading cycle of the flea. they kill the flea and the larvae ,used properly will slow, if not stop your cats problem. if you can, put a couple of these bugs in a small container . look up fleas on the net. if they are fleas, there are heaps of different treatments available. if not fleas, take them to he vet , they should know what they are and how to treat them. good luck. you could also try combing them out.

  14. I would guess fleas or lice but either way you should try to comb them out and possibly get a vet appointment.

  15. the fleas and or ticks . to get them off wash ur kitten in dawn dish deturgend . it really works.

  16. FLEAS!!!!!

  17. He has fleas. And without treatment, the cat will eat the fleas, which will hatch in his stomach, and give him worms. Call the vet and ask for a topical flea treatment.

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