
Everytime I see a baby, I always cry.?

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Do you think it's because my biological clock is ticking? I'm 33, unmarried and no kids. I had a baby when I was 19, but he was a premie and died 2 weeks later. all my friends and cousins have babies, and I always cry, even strangers with babies I cry




  1. you might want to seek grief counseling for the loss of your child it might just be left over emotions from losing a child which is one of the worst things that can ever happen.  Speak to a counselor.

  2. that is so sad

    i say you adopt!

    even if you dont have a man in your life it would be good for you and the child

  3. Thats sad.  Get some counseling.  Go online and find a date on a dating website that tells you if the guys want kids.  Don't worry, a lot of women have healthy babies well into their early 40's.

  4. Probably to do with your loss. It can bring back subconscience memories.

  5. Maybe its a combination of babies being a reminder of the one you lost and your biological clock ticking... maybe youre not happy with your life and you wish you had a baby. Maybe subconciously you feel unfulfilled and you believe that a having a baby would make you a happier, better person.... it could be a lot of different things...

  6. I am so sorry for your lost.

    It sounds like you want to be a  mom

    The good news is you are still young enough to have many kids

  7. get a dog

  8. First of all, I'm sorry for your loss back then. Second, it sounds like you could be depressed about not having a baby yet. Your in your motherhood peak, so you are craving to have one. Go for it, and remember that there is options. Pregnancy, invitro, adoption. So don't lose hope.

    Good luck and best wishes!

  9. Your body really really wants you to have a baby.

  10. who knows,it very well could be. do you cry because your sad or happy when you see a baby?  i'm sure the loss of your only child has affected you internally so it could have something to do with.  good luck!!

  11. maybe its cuz u need 1 i would stongly suggest to addopt it will help u through life

  12. i would look into cousin was 41 when she got married and tried to conceve for close to 3 years before they gave up and looked into adoption. Also another thought is if you and your boyfriend are atable in the relanship together and have plans on getting married go ahead and have a baby together. Not being married doesnt mean you cant have a baby. well good luck and hope all works out for you.

  13. yes it seems like thats why, you should see a therapist and talk to him about these things, he will be able to help you/.

  14. I'm so sorry about your loss. Maybe your fear of the past repeating itself is keeping you from manifesting the life you want? I don't know you but I do know life and sometimes we allow our past to affect us more deeply than we realize and it creates a blockage between us and our desired life.

    I would suggest doing some kind of exercise to release yourself from the pain of losing that first child. meditation/prayer or even journaling what your hopes, and dreams were for your child you lost and when you have said all you have to say - say goodbye. I know it won't be easy but I think once you release that child and your grief you will start to feel better about where you are in life and clear out space in your heart for new loves, new babies.

    Find the joy and peace in your life, appreciate the good and then envision yourself adding to that good with more good - you will make it happen.


  15. You cetainly have unresolved issues with your loss and this is very normal despite the fact it occured years ago. Do you still want a baby? Sounds like you do. You do still have time, though. It's a very emotional and tragic thing that you experienced. May you be blessed and I hope you get everything you are looking for. Be sure to let us know when you have that baby!

  16. i think it's all those things.  what about volunteering at a day care or a children's hospital.  maybe if you have some young ones to care for for a while you'd feel better or at least be better able to figure out what it is that makes you sad & how to fix it.

  17. I know it's been years since your baby died, but maybe you need to find a support group.  Maybe an infant loss support group.   Also, have you considered having a baby on your own, if you have the time and money?   Or maybe even adoption.  

    I am 33 and married (didn't marry until I was 31), and lost my (first baby) infant son to heart defects earlier this year.   I am planning to try to have at least one or two more babies, but not yet.   I do want to cry every time I see particularly baby boys.

    If I wasn't married by the time I was 35, my plan was to adopt as a single woman (I had decided this at age 16 or so).

  18. I think you need to adopt.

  19. I don't think its because your biological clock is ticking, you are just 33 its no big deal,  I think this is because you had a bad experrience. You need to live happily first, don't worry about anything just get married and have kids.

    Wish you good luck.

  20. I think it's because you lost your own child, and other children remind you of your lost baby.  I don't think that's abnormal at all.  Loss is hard to describe, impossible to quantitate, and never fully recoverable.  Give your burden to Christ.

    I hope you find the love of your life soon.

  21. It is perfectly normal.. because i am having the same problem, exept i just feel this rage of hate because i feel as if there is something wrong with me and all my friends and family and don't deserve or can't afford to have a baby or having babies. It is just normal for you to feel this way, i am learning to cope with the fact that i have been trying to concieve and haven't yet! It is just the memories of the baby that you once had! You just have to learn to cope with it!

  22. i think you are not over that your baby died, im sorry to hear that but, things happen for a reason. i think when you see a baby it reminds you of your baby. and how he/she died so young and how much you loved he/she (im sorry i dont know the gender).

    hoped i helped somewhat.

  23. Speak to your boyfriend about you wanting kids.  If you have been trying to get pregnant with no luck speak to you OB, they can refer you to a fertility specialist.  That's what I did.  I'm 30 and 21 weeks pregnant, I also was the last one in my family to conceive and it does hurt.  I also miscarried my first pregnancy which was more heart wrenching.

  24. Oh sorry to hear that. Maybe you need help.

  25. aww. im sorry to hear about your loss.but maybe its not your time. You might be ready but Gods not. trust in him and you will be happy when oneday he does bless you with a beautiful baby and a great family. Have faith

  26. Ask Jesus to heal your heart and to help you on your path to have a family along with cleansing of your spirit and mind from anything that might be keeping you in bondage of pain and hurt and he will surely do it but it has to come form your heart. Read Psalms 23, Psalms 119, Psalms 91, continually reading other books in the bible like Matthew and John to find out who Jesus is, that have to do with healing.

    God bless you!!!

  27. d**n...your 33, unmarried, and no kids? You must be lonely. Get some cats and pull yourself together you sick freak!!

  28. u may need to get counselling. sounds like u might be still grieving over your lost child.

    I will say a prayer that u find your true knight in shining armour.

    good luck

  29. maby you should adopt

  30. get over yourself

  31. Tell your boyfriend how you feel and that you want a baby. He may want a baby also. If its ok with him just start trying to concive. I think you cry because of your loss and you want a baby to share your love with. I'm sorry for your loss and I'm sure you will be a great mother. If your boyfriend doenst want a baby you could get artificail insemination and be a single parent (I'm sure you will still be fine) Good luck ttc

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