
Everytime I see someone who is obviously serving for our country....?

by  |  earlier

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I can't help but want to thank them for their service, but I don't want to look like a total dork to them. I still to this day have never actually went up to someone and thanked them for what they are doing for us Americans. How should I go about, should I shake their hand? I just want to show them the highest amont of respect. I just feel so guilty by just letting them pass by and not saying one word.




  1. then thank them!  

    who cares if you look like a dork .. but you won't so don't wory!

  2. I understand how you feel. I think any of them would appreciate a polite thank you or handshake.

    You could just catch their eye & mouth thank you if you don't feel comfortable in walking up to them.

  3. Just walk up to them, look them in the eye and say i appriciate what your doing or thank you for your service. There is nothing that feels better when people do that trust me.

  4. There is a sign you can give military people by simply placing your hand on your heart then tilting your hand toward them.(like you're reaching out to them after touching your heart)  This can be done from a distance if you don't actually want to approach them.  It's understood and acceptable

  5. There is nothing to be embarrassed about in thanking a serving member of our armed forces.  If you see someone in uniform you might ask, "Are you in the service?"  After the reply (whether currently in or have been), you can say thank you and God Bless you and your family.

  6. I have gone up to them and said thankyou. I think they really liked knowing they were appreciated. Didn't hurt me a bit! After the first time it will get easier. It beats standing there looking at them like you want to say something and just walking away.

  7. It's nice to see everyone's kind replies on here.  Both of my parents served in the Military during WWII and it was very common then for folks to say supportive things to them.  One time, on a train, a passenger insisted on paying for my Dad's dinner.   When my Mom would go to by nylons, she's ask for 2 pair, and when she'd open the bag at home, there would be 3 pair.   People then thanked  the service members and  I think that it's great that folks are doing it again now.  Go ahead, you'll make their day!!

  8. Just tell them you love their uniform. They will get the hint.

  9. I totally agree and I think they would be thrilled if you just shook their hand and said TY. Would make their day, not many bother.

  10. A handshake or a touch on the arm - or just a thank you for what you do --- would make their day. I work with the army and know how appreciate the soldiers are of any support they get.

  11. I would go up to them and say exactly what you just said.  Stick your hand out as you begin to talk and I bet that will make them feel really great about themselves because it seems people have forgotten or are even against them!  That's Great :)

  12. I can tell you that if you want to see a face light up, THANK THEM!  They don't get as many thanks as people would have you believe.  There is no set rule for thanking a Soldier; just walk up to them and say, "I want to thank you for your sacrifice and service to our country."  AFTER that you can introduce yourself when he/she has responded.  You will walk away feeling like you were in the presence of a king, not to mention that you just made a Soldier's day.

    I live in an area where it is not uncommon to see military personnel in a restaurant.  Sometimes a patron will point them out and tell the waitress, "I want to pay the tab for that Soldier over there."  When they are given the receipt, they walk over to the table, put the paid receipt by the Soldier's plate and say, "I want to thank you for your service to our country."  At other times, when the military person starts to pay their bill, the owner or waitress will say, "Thank you for your sacrifices and service to our country.  Your meal is on the house."

    You will never look like a dork by thanking a military person.

  13. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't look like a would make ANY soldier's day! A handshake would be perfect, with a few words from your heart...

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