
Everytime I start to sing my cat comes downstairs and acts strange?

by  |  earlier

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Like just now I was singing and she came downstairs and started rubbing on my legs and just layed down behind me. i know If I was singing badly than she probably would have been attacking me...knowing her

I don't get it, why does she do this?




  1. Maybe your singing sounds like a Tomcat's cry.

  2. r u hoping dat we say dat its bcoz ur singing is gd?

  3. Your cat thinks you are "talking" to her.  :)   It is good that she feels positive about your singing and is not attacking you for it.  :)

    My cats would whine and just be terds every time I would get on the phone and talk for more than 2 minutes.  They thought I was talking to them and couldn't understand why I wasn't paying attention to them.  Oh they would be awful!   So, I when I talked for a while, I would sit down and let them be on my lap or right there and they acted much better because in their eyes, I was talking to them and I was there to comfort them.  I hope that makes sense.

    Your kitty is just thinking you are talking to her and she comes when you are speaking to hang out with you.  That is cool!   She loves you!  

  4. i bet she HATES your singing!!! she yelling to STOP lol!

  5. My cats do the same thing when I sing or whistle.I don't know why.It's pretty funny,though!

  6. maybe she thinks that you sing awesome!!! btw tokio hotel is like the best band in the world! :D :D :D  

  7. By rubbing on you  she's telling everyone she owns you. Just as if she's proud of her new from .the best store in town. She loves the way you sound .Its a show of affection..

  8. Do you have a high voice?  If so you're singing in a register that's similar to cat meows.  So your cat probably thinks you're saying something to her.  If she's rubbing on your legs then at least it's something nice LOL

  9. she must like it if shes not attacking you.

    I do that alot, and my cat comes to me and starts doing the exact same thing.. but then she attacks me like 5 seconds later. It's very strange. Usually cats can't stand loud things so maybe that's why.

    God i wish my cat wouldn't attack me, considering i enjoy singing!

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