
Everytime I think about boxing someone?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I think about boxing someone, I get butterflies in my stomach. Is that normal? Will it go away after a few fights/sparring sessions? I think I'm pretty good but I don't like that feeling, I'm not scared, but I just always get that feeling. How can I make it go away?




  1. It will "NEVER" go away! But keep going like you have been it will get easier,as you gain more confidence in your ability.You are "NOT" scared homie,you are just aware of the don't know what will happen so you anticipate the unknown and that is what will keep you on point! But as time goes on you will deal with it easier.Just practice blocking those thoughts out before  sparring and when you fight you will be good trust me! I am telling you from REAL EXPERIENCE! Run hard and Keep your Hands Up!

  2. All fighters get it, even when fighting someone I know I can destroy easily, the butterfly's are still there. The trick is to use it to your advantage. Instead of looking at it like your scared,, look at it like an alarm to keep you focused and aware of the potential danger that exists in any fights regardless of the opponent.

    Then instead of keeping you nervous It will keep you sharp. To become a real fighters you have to learn to controll it and use it to your advantage.

    If you go into a fight and you dont have those butterfly's in your stomach, your going to come out with a loss. Trust me on that.

  3. It's normal, fight or's your body's way of preparing you for a life-or-death situation.  I don't see why people do drugs when they can lace up the loves and get a serious, natural high that you'll remember.  The prefight butterflies never went away for me.  Once I took a punch, they went away.

  4. well i do boxing and evryone gets that felling and its okay it will go away

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