
Everytime i blink i can feel somthing in my eye, it's been going on all day?

by  |  earlier

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I've tryed flushing it. Morethan once, i've also tryed pulling your top eyelid out and over your bottom lid. But nothing seems to work! What do you think i should do?




  1. If it feels like an eyelash it very well could be a calcium deposit. Check with your eye doctor or your normal doctor.

  2. it could be a sty. check along where your eyelashes are on your eyelid and see if you notice a little tiny white bump. theres nothing you can do about it just wait about a day. it should go away.

  3. I have had that experience before, and it will be ok. Just all u have to do is wash your eye, and if that doesnt work try getting a piece of wet cloth, put it on your eye while you take a short nap. if this isnt working, tell a guardian or a parent  just in case it might be serious, but dont worry, only 0.00001% it is serious!

    hope i helped and your eye will be better

  4. Hey.. Even I had the same problem a couple of months before.. I felt like some sand particles moving within my eye whenever i blinked..

    It is because your eyes become very dry due to the environment / your tears lacks lubricating fluid or you do not bling very often..

    I was suggested lubricating eye drops and it worked very well.. The lubricating eye drops are available over the counter and do not need any prescription.. But before buying, please read through the active ingredients to check if you are allergic to those drugs.

    Info: After using the lubricant drops, you may feel blurred / glared for some time which is normal.

    Remind yourself to blink often to avoid this problem.

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