
Everytime i do drugs ><><>?

by  |  earlier

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whenever i use cannabis or ecstasy my fingers swell up and so does my face but not to a point where it's there something wrong with me or is it the drugs? someone tell me what's happening? cool thnx.




  1. possible allergic reaction but as long as ur fine smoke on

  2. stop popping the pills and you wont swell up...

    you swell up because youre putting drugs into your body and your body is swells up and tries to dilute the drugs so you dont die from an overdose

  3. let me add to lulu&#039;s comprehensive input:

    dope &amp; MDMA (ecstasy) both increase blood pressure, heart beat rate (especially MDMA, ca. 8 hrs per pill) and de-hydrate your body.

    dope won&#039;t kill you, pure MDMA neither -we of course don&#039;t talk taking kg&#039;s.

    BUT. you don&#039;t take pure MDMA when buying a pill. you buy a dirty mix, always. and the dirty mix (speed, heroin, meth) is what kills. one pill does it.

    you seem to know nothing regarding what you take to get hammered -you play with fire my dear.  

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