
Everytime i hangout with him i feel soo sick. ?

by  |  earlier

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i've been with this guy and we hangout a lot .. and we have feelings for each other.

he lives about a block away from me. so when i hangout with him i usually just walk down to his house.

however, the day prior to us hanging out i get this nasueous feeling in my stomach and i can't eat anything and then when i go to walk to his house i end up puking i know thats really gross but it scares me i don't know what its from.

we aren't dating or anything... we're just friends with benefits.

and we both see other people..

btw: i don't get like this when i'm with other guys that i like.

so why him?




  1. it could be your body warning you your in a bad situation. i got sick all the time around my ex and i ignored it. and it turend out he was cheating on me. its your gut feeling. maybe you should listen to it. and just be his friend. and not the benefits thing.  

  2. probably because you feel sick that you guys are FWB.

    i mean, you probably self consciously find it gross to be FWB.

    thats why when you are with guys you actually really like, you don't get that away because you LIKE them.

  3. i smell a TROLLLL L LL LLL L LL

  4. maybe you're allergic to some plants in front of his house. Or maybe you're just sick. Maybe you should invite him over to your house... I dunno.

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