
Everytime i pet my cat she bitesme

by  |  earlier

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well if i pet her she will slide her head against my fingers and bite at an angle its not a mean bite but she does and i dont know why.. know wha tim talking about??




  1. sounds like she's a moody old lady cat. just like humans cats get old grumpy and then some days they bounce around and want it ??? dunno why but they do...

    she might have a sore tooth maybe... and her chewing on you might relieve the pain then when it hurts her she bites harder cause she thinks you are hurting her so it might be a good idea to get her teeth checked.. that's about all i can put it down to  good luck

  2. well i think ur cat needs to smell your finger to remember you. Like " rubbing his tummy ".

  3. my cat bites me and then licks me! I think it's a playful thing. just look at little lion cubs, they bite each other all the time!

  4. stop petting her, she doesnt like it!

  5. it is a love bite!!! i was just reading online stuff about rabbits and said wen they bite it shows that i love you trying to say"boss thanks" or "i love you" or even"your a true friend♥"

  6. I think your cat likes your finger very much and she loves to bite or maybe she wants to play with you

  7. She may be trying to groom you!  If you watch her groom herself you'll see she uses her teeth like a comb as well as using her tongue.  She might be doing the same to your arm, but since you don't have enough fur she only makes a cursory attempt to let you know she cares!  

    Some cats do this when they want attention - mouthing you is just a way of getting your attention.  Mother cats sometimes do this to their older kittens if they pester her.

    Several of my cats have done this.  Some mouthed me and then licked me which ties in with grooming behaviour.  Others just mouthed me when they wanted attention and felt ignore.  Some even tried to suck on whatever part of me they'd got in their mouth.

  8. sure its your cat???

  9. It could just mean that it's playing with you and looking for something its growing teeth can bite into. It means that it wants to play with you and could even be a sign of affection. =)

  10. Smack her.  She'll learn that biting is wrong in a hurry.

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