
Everytime i want to spend time with my brother he never wants to be around me?

by  |  earlier

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well i just went up to the couch to talk or watch tv with him and he pauses the tv and hes like what do you need and i said wwel i just want to watch this movie with you and he is like ok ?? so i layed down on the couch and he like jumped out and gave me a mean look and threw the blanket and sat in the other chair and i asked why he did that and she said why do you want to be in here and i said cuz i want to watch this with you and i said why do you always do this to me and he said because your a jerk and i dont understand what i did but he never talks to me and alot of the times he will call me names or he always threats to beat me up even in front of my mom but they dont do anything to him so i just go to my room and even my parents ignore me they are too worried about their tv so all i have is my room or ride my bike and i cant ever ride my bike or leave the house so all i have is my room what should i do?




  1. grr.

    it kills me to know we have so much in common.

    me and my brother are 6 years apart.

    6 YEARS.

    he is in COLLEGE!


    my brother says c**p about me all the time, and my parents just think he is joking around.

    forgive me if I take what he says to heart.

    my parents won't let me out of the house either.

    by myself.

    so when I REALLY REALLY ( I haven't done it in awhile)

    have to leave, I take a walk in the neighbor hood with a friend.



    but when it is over 100 degrees, I don't like to.


  2. It would help to understand you better if we knew your age and your brother's too.   Please Edit.

    Sounds like your brother is showing off and it's probably his age.  Also him being younger is why your Mom doesn't tell him anything.  Growing up I had the same problem.  My sister was 1 year younger and always a troublemaker but my Mom never saw it that way.  If I told on her what she would do to me, I would get sent to my room.  And she also never wanted to spend time with me.  So my only advise to you is to wait until your brother is older.  Then he will want to spend time with you.  Right now there's really nothing you can do except keep on being a nice brother.  And sit down with your Mom and have a talk with her and explain how it bothers you alot.  Good luck.

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