
Everytime me and my mum go into town we get electric shocks, Why?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday we went into ipswich (town) and we got electric shock, it really hurt, but it always happens and we don't know why, help, we want it to stop! :(




  1. Maybe the area is manufacturing chemicals an prevent charges from flowing away,or u always were clothes which sticks to ur body (an u know this can cause an electric shock because the charges built up by u are not able to escape an it can therefore make ur body air rise an lead to a shock.)also maybe u are nervous about something then ur body shakes an u acquire a shock.An the solution I may give is to where a conductor shoe which will discharge ur charges to earth.(but as we know,there are no metallic shoes.Also try not seating in ur car too much

  2. As you move, your body builds a static electric charge, especially if you wear trainers or other rubber soled shoes and rub against anything non-conductive like nylon car seats or the carpets in department stores which contain a high proportion of synthetic material for high wear-resistance.  This can amount to several thousand volts, so when you go to touch anything metal or another person, the charge earths itself by jumping the last few millimetres and in the process creates a spark, which is what gives you the shock.

    This is exactly the same process which causes lightning, but because the spark is extremely brief and has very low current (amps), under normal circumstances it is not dangerous - only painful !

    You will probably find it stops if you wear leather-soled shoes which can conduct electricity under certain circumstances and therefore prevent the charge from building up.

    Hope this helps.

  3. maybe that the path through which u and ur mom walks must be watery and may be in contact with an uninsulated live wire.

    these things r really dangerous!!!

    to avoid getting shock, always wear rubber slippers or hold  a wooden object in ur hand a walk through that path.

    always take care!

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