i have a friend who was in need ,she had no deposit,no bond for a house.i was due to move ,so i rented her mine .i left it fully furnished ,very expensive audio equipment ,tv etc.
i have heard she is due to leave and start a new life in another city .i confronted her and she said this is true i am leaving in 9 days.i have suspicion she will take someof my belongings with her?? have i right to enter do the packing and kick her out early ?? shes ignoring my calls ,not allowing me access to the house ??i cant even get access to show new tenants around >?? there was no tenancy agreement to begin with ,i still have a key ,what are my rights ??can the police arrest me if i box her stuff up and put in garage and refuse here entry ??
17 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.