
Evil, alien, or just plain weird?

by  |  earlier

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high pain tolerance

hightend sence of smell/taste

night vision that's too good

very sensive to noise

very strong(esp. for gender)

good at math/science

prefers dark over light

yea, i'm just no mean comments PLEASE




  1. advanced genetics probably or some kind of genetic mutation, i would be worried if the person had a healing factor or fangs.

  2. High pain tolerance?  Are you a redhead?  I think there's a connection.

    Acute senses?  Relative to whom?  Arriving at this measure absolutely can be relative.

    Strong?  Are you a big girl?  Once again, it's relative.

    You like math and science?  Good for you!  Most don't (and the current administration isn't helping this), so I encourage science lovers all I can.  More so than any other, you *are* the future of your country.

    Conclusion: You are not evil and you are not alien, but you are pleasantly unusual.  Keep it up.

  3. Sounds like the customers I work with at night only difference is they can't count

  4. Everyone is weird in their own way.

  5. sounds evil.  guessing this is a friend of yours or an aquaintance.  sounds either possesed.  or demonic herself

  6. Weird

  7. None of the above. You don't sound too far from the norm. People vary in pain tolerance, and young people tend to have far better night vision than older folks. Your descriptions are not absolute but relative (e.g., "very" is hard to really interpret), so just how sensitive your senses are is not possible to really analyze here. That's great you're good in math & science, we need more people like that. Preferring dark over light is a personality thing, not really a big deal.

    Don't worry, you're just you, which is not a bad thing :)

  8. I'm going to go with all the above

    and add super-human and very cool.... :)

    on a serious note, these are probably all normal. You are just in peak physical condition, enjoy it whilst it lasts!

  9. Gifted

  10. sounds like me, all right.

    but I am not evil, alien or weird.

    I am just a creature of the night.

  11. none of the above.

  12. I don't think any of these things are evil, alien or weird. They all seem fairly normal to me. :-)

  13. The answer is up to you.

    You are definitely gifted.

    Do you use what you have to the best of your ability to better yourself?

    Do you train yourself to make the most out of your gifts so that when you need them they are at their peek?

    Do you use your gifts to help the weaker people so they don’t have to struggle?

    Do you use what you have to make a profit and self-indulgent pursuits?

    Do you fall victim to the foolish "Be a servent to others..." groups and spend all your time trying to do what society thinks you should or do you do what YOU need to do and what YOU think is best?

    This will determine if you are evil or just plain weird.

    My advise, coming from experience, is to use your gifts. Exercise them and strengthen them. Then come up with a plan of attack and use what you have to better yourself.  This world is full of idiots, cowers and fools that would have you lessen yourself by strengthening others at your own expense. DON'T.

    Use your gifts to ensure your won freedoms. Do was you will, don’t ask for permission and don’t ask for forgiveness. The STRONG don’t need the permission of the week.


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