
Evil Principal!?!?!?

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My principal is very mean he will not transfer my teacher because he is mean he denied everybody on the transfering list. I want a different teacher because the teacher I got yells at us. What do you think I should do?




  1. Well, just ignore the teachers rudeness. You really can't do anything else. Maybe the teacher will get nicer when she knows the class better. Good Luck =)

  2. well be a teachers pet . i dealing with that promblem to . get a newspaper started if there already is one get on it just be smart dont talk in class .

  3. Document the teacher's behavior (if you can record it on your phone or something, that's good) and then bring it to your parents' attention so they see that it's not just YOU overreacting or egging the teacher on.  Then if your parents see the behavior, they'll step in to help you. Good luck with that. It's hard to be a teacher, but there is never any reason to yell at other people. You can always find ways to show restraint and good manners.

  4. I have had that problem too many times. You learn to deal. Life isn't perfect, this will happen many times. Speak up to the teacher, she may respect you. Tell her, that it makes it difficult for you to learn when she blows up so fast.

  5. Grow up.  You want to get a new teacher because your teacher yells?  I wonder why that is.  Maybe the class does things that need to be corrected, and the teacher can only be heard over them by yelling?

    I would suggest you take a real hard look at your own behaviors before you decide to take action with the district.  I would be willing to bet that the teacher can document those behaviors.  

    School is not always fun.  Neither is life.  You better prepare for life before you get to it in full.  This might be a golden opportunity for you to learn to work for someone you don't like.  Learn from it.  Learning is what school is about.

    The principal is mean.  The teacher is mean.  Anyone else?  It must be terrible to be surrounded by all these mean people.  How ever did you end up in that situation (if it isn't too rude to ask)?

    You do know that uppercase letters indicate yelling, don't you?

    So, all of this drama is about gossip???????????

    You say that two different people are EVIL because your mother told you that someone else told her that....

    Did you ever stop to think that people who don't want to do any work often tell everyone that the teacher is no good?  You have no justification for asking out of the teacher's class, and the principal was right to deny it.  You and your mother should both apologize for going off without firsthand knowledge.  You don't know this teacher at all, and you want to try to ruin their reputation with the school.

    Want to talk about rude?

  6. click here =D;...
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