
Evil things to do to barbies?

by  |  earlier

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I am really bored. So... I was just wondering what you would do to your/your sister's old barbies or dolls to get back at them. I am really really bored. So yeah. Funniest one gets the best answer.




  1. LOL.

  2. Do you like using scissors and permanent black marker?  My mother would get so mad about our dolls new hair cuts!

  3. Soak one in gasoline for awhile, then strap it to a model rocket,

    rig it so when you launch the rocket the barbie lights up too.

    Fireball/rocket/barbie kinda thing.

    p.s. if the rocket has a paracute -  remove it before launching. haha

  4. tape them to a bottle rocket, lite em' off. or give them to the dog.

  5. tie a string to it and flush it down toilet.  if u hav dog, make it chew on it.  dowse gasoline on the hair and burn it.(that one fun!)

  6. Cut off their hair so they look like british men lol. And try melting them (i did it before and it was hilarious). Try coloring their skin with marker or paint. Try putting mud all over them or grass and make them smell really bad. Try breaking their body parts and other mean things that you can think of.

    Have fun! =]

  7. Bury it 'alive'. keep it there for a few weeks and when its all moldy hang it from a tree and hit it like a pinata. Then attaach the body parts to a firework and watch it explode in the air with the firework.

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