
Evolution, is it really true?

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Evolution, is it really true?




  1. Yes.  Bank on it.

  2. Bet your life on it!

  3. If you believe there are beagles, spaniels, dachsunds AND Great Danes, and not just "Carolina Yellow dogs", then yes, it's really true!

  4. No, despite what those cranky Darwinians say, there is plenty of evidence that Cro-Magnon man preferred SUVs and spent a great deal of time searching for the perfect pizza.

  5. Most likey yes, it is true, and far more probable than any of its contenders. If you would like to check out the evidence for it yourself I would recommend .  

  6. Yes, its not disputed in scientific communities despite what religious zealots want you to believe.

  7. Yes, thanks for asking.

  8. I am willing to consider it personally.

    However, it is a theory with Atheist implications. It does not explain where life started, but does explain the how and why it has changed over the years. (and when I say years I mean a whole lot of them)

    It states that the changes are largely random... This can either be interpreted as meaning that God created life and then just left it alone,, or that God doesn't exist at all.

    Either way it contradicts Scripture and says the Mankind isn't all that different from the rest of the life on the Planet. This makes a lot of people very angry.

    I suppose the only way you could prove it without a shadow of doubt would be to do this: Choose an animal or plant species to observe.

    Observe the population of plants or animals and make detailed records of their behavior and anatomy for the next 100,000 years perhaps longer.

    That's how long it could take to actually document it, and even then some species of plants and animals are so well adapted they might not change for Billions of years. Ocean Sponges are an example of a species that haven't changed for geological eons.  Or the species you have chosen to study may simply fail to adapt to environmental changes and become extinct. This happens quite often in Natural History.

    So good luck with your reseach. See you in an eon or two.

    This is why this debate is going to go on for a very long time.

  9. I 'll answer your question with a question.

    Is Biology really true?

  10. umm I don't know, its just up to you to decide bro

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