
Evolution / Creation dichotomy?

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Option A:

The Origin of Species by Natural and Sexual Selection; Modern Evolutionary Theory as suggested by that nice Mr. Dawkins is a model of reality we are prepared to run with.

Option B:

An old man in the clouds with long white beard sets up an extraordinarily complex intricate and subtle system before the Universe begins, including Laws of Nature. Mr. Dawkins observes, tests, and interprets these laws as Modern Evolutionary Theory which is a model of reality we are prepared to run with.

Occam's Razor.

Which is simpler;

positing the Theory of Evolution,

positing that someone created a system which looks so much like the Theory of Evolution that we can't tell the difference?

Turing's Razor

If we can't tell the difference between a Theory of Evolution, and a Created system which exhibits all of the properties of the Theory of Evolution, is there any difference?




  1. Why does there have to be a dichotomy?  Why can't someone believe in a divine creator who has used natural selection as a creative tool?

  2. It isn't a dichotomy.  Evolution is an (incomplete) set of ideas about how life changes, and has changed over history.  It's a matter of science to evaluate which ideas in the set are most likely correct, and which are not.  Creation is a view of where everything came from in the first place.  The Bible says God created it.  Most cultures have a creation myth of some kind.  Myth is not necessarily a derogatory term.  It refers to an untestable oral tradition.  So far, science has nothing to offer about where it all came from, or even why the physical laws are the way they are.

    Perhaps you mean Mr. Darwin, nor Mr. Dawkins.

  3. I have encounter no evidence in support of the many cult/religious creation stories I have heard.

    There is an incredible amount of evidence that supports evolution.

    As a model of reality no, as a model of how diversity in nature can occur yes.

    For models of reality see physics.

  4. You might appreciate "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi,

    "Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph.D.,

    "Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D.,

    "Psychoenergetic Science," Dr. William Tiller, and

    "Extraordinary Knowing," Dr. Elizabeth Mayer.

    Option B is a "straw man" argument which many Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, et al. do not find sound.

  5. It depends on what you choose/ want to believe these days. Most of the christians don't want to believe they evolved into humans from inferior species, so they prefer to think they were created by some guy in a white robe who conveniently never wants to show himself. I want to believe the truth and to me it seems a (is the word that I will use) to still believe the christian church especially since they didn't want to admit the earth was NOT flat till around the 1950's. Do you even know that the christian religion was actually (the stories) from Mesopotamia? The snake was the god. Those stories are a good metaphor but should not be taken literally. If people actually started from two human beings I doubt we would not be slow-witted or in other words re*arded. The Garden Of Eden is thought to have existed until about the end of the last Ice Age, where the land thought of as the perfect place with perfect weather got flooded by the rising sea levels. And people as a race also discovered agriculture as opposed to hunting animals and obviously why would you go hunt when you can grow your own food which almost would be like having godly powers when you have (control of a certain degree) of life.(and don't be mistaken, plants ARE life too). Think about it this way 1. the speech was more flowery in those days 2. what gets people's attention better than a story? 3. I know if there was no media or any sort of communication between people I would believe that there was a girl with a glass slipper...and that maybe if I cry enough MY fairy god mother might appear and make things better.  We don't need a god as people percieve him to be. The universe can take care of things by itself. (Do you know  that at one point religion and the concept of god was used to control the slaves in what is now the US? With a parallel to the (white)Man and God?)People just want to know that they are not really in control and that there is someone out there who does and he will punish you if you do wrong like a parent because they are scared to be grown up and incharge. They want to pray  to make things get better instead of getting off their knees and doing something about their life. Praying didn't save that nine year old girl who died of a treatable form of diabetes. But that was what her parents chose to do. As I said, it's all about choice.

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