
Evolution emongst human?

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Do you think that humans are evolving to become hermaphroditism?

Which means having both Male and Female s*x organs.

Imagine them functionly working though.

Think of it this way lets take g**s and lisbians if by any chance a g*y or a lisbian person would have children of there own,

Would there 'g*y' genes pass to there children or skip a generation?

Imagine a 'g*y' gene which has been evolving trough out our evolution, this gene is gradually developing making humans more aware of there looks and how to behave infront of there same s*x.

I think that humans are evolving into a complex organism

(reproduction) in order to sustain human life




  1. Being a hermaphrodite has nothing to do with being g*y or bisexual.

    Anyway,  Most of the success that humans have had over thousands of years has to do with our social nature.  Sexual dimorphism - the very apparent differences between a male and a female - plays a major part in our social structure.  Many of our seemingly benign actions are, in fact, sub conscience ways of attracting a mate.  If humans were to evolve into hermaphrodites it would change our social behavior immensely.  With all our technology we don't need to live in groups for safety or hunt for food.  We don't even need to leave our houses for anything anymore.  If not for the pursuit of the "company" of other humans we would all become hermits.

    I think hermaphroditism is an evolutionary dead end.

  2. and where is the question?

    personally I disagree with your synopsis,

    there certainly is nothing wrong with reproduction among humans given the population of the world.

  3. Society wants it that way. They've been trying to castrate the human male since the hippy-freak movement of the 60's.and every year it intensifies. I was born in the 40's when men still had a complete set of testicles, and a body full of testosterone and were proud of it. Today it's injected into females.


  4. I don't think so.  I don't believe there is a "g*y" gene.  

  5. No.

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