
Evolution in the classroom...?

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The Flying Spaghetti Monster (also known as the Spaghedeity) is the deity of a parody religion called The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and its system of beliefs, "Pastafarianism". The religion was founded in 2005 by Bobby Henderson to protest the decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to require the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to biological evolution. Because intelligent design implies the existence of an intelligent, but not necessarily omnipotent or omniscient designer, some, like Henderson, argued that this designer could, in fact, be anything imaginable.

Even though it is absurd, I think that it is opening new ideas of thought by considering that there are other options, not just "no" and "yes, but only in this way"

As a TEACHER, how do you feel on the subject?




  1. As an educator, I firmly believe that any activity or subject that instigates thinking beyond the bounds of our daily routines is not only good for an individual, but also good for everyone else engaged in the dialogue.

    In fact, it seems that much of public education in America is the opposite of this, that is, the standards and applications of public schools seem to drive everyone -as if in a cattle chute- toward the same destination.  That's not only a means of encouraging "herd mentality," it's also dangerous for the future of civilized societies.

    For a nation that relentlessly claims how great it is because of all the choices (options) available, the sad truth of the matter, those infinite choices are out there in the world of consumerism, not within the enclaves of our educational institutions.  And with NCLB mandating it's absurdly myopic standards under the guise of "accountability," our system becomes further entrenched in provincial and politicized thinking as opposed to creative, broad-based, considered thinking.

    As such, bring on the Flying Spaghetti Monsters and let's engage the dialogue!

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