
Evolution is founded on an unproved theory, so is it science, or faith?

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Belief in the theory of evolution is thus exactly parallel to belief in special creation -- both are concepts which believers know to be true but neither, up to the present, has been capable of proof." (L. Harrison Matthews, FRS, Introduction to Darwin's "The Origin of Species", J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, London, 1971, p. xi.)

Hitler’s link to evolution is well documented. He actually put survival of the fittest into action and killed millions of "unfit" human beings. Is this the kind of world we want for our children, filled with utter disdain for human life, both in and out of the womb? (Impact #227– May 1992, Institute for Creation Research, Paul G. Humber)

Reflecting on his work near the end of his life, Darwin confessed: "I was a young man with unformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time over everything; and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire. People made a religion of them." ("America’s God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations" by William J. Federer, FAME Publishing, 1994, PP 198-199)




  1. You certainly know nothing about science, based on this post. Did you make this all up,or did you get it from someone else who made it all up. Can't you read a real book?

  2. Actually, there is a ton of evidence for evolution. You need to look up the scientific definition of theory.

    Survival of the fittest means that those who fit in with their environment are more likely to survive than those who don't. It has nothing to do with strength.

  3. The 'unproved theory' you speak of has been observed time and time again in fossil records and in laboratories.

    So Hitler was enacting on evolution by killing 6 million people? Wow, you are stupid.

    Darwin didn't recant on his deathbed. Sure, he was unhappy that his theory put him at odds with the church, but that doesn't mean he thought his theory was a terrible idea.

  4. Just an idle fable.

  5. 1. Evolution is a proven fact.

    2. Hitler was a Christian.

    3. That "quote" doesn't make his work incorrect.

  6. You really should not quote lies and slander if you want to be taken seriously.

    How much proof do you want before something is proven? The evidence for evolution amounts to the friggin' Himalayas.

    And that Humber quote... that guy seriously needs a reality check.

  7. *Yawns* Given that you're lying through your back teeth, doesn't that show you're h**l-bound for willfully breaking the 9th commandment?

    You're really a sad little troll you know.

  8. Darwinists probably have far more faith than do many professing Christians. The only difference is that the faith of Christians will be of eternal worth, while the faith of Darwin's gang will be quite worthless.

  9. Evolution is both, fact and theory.

  10. Hitler was a Christian

    Dude how ignorant can you possibly be? Do you honestly think your pseudo science websites will give you the answers you are really looking for? I mean you are always going to be told what you want to hear when you search Creation only websites. So if your head is pumped full of propaganda it is all you will ever know. Stop being so ignorant and close minded and perhaps you will learn something. It's probably too much to ask for on my part for you to attempt to learn, but it's worth a shot.  

  11. If you're going to argue evolution vs religion you should understand that the modern theory of evolution is NOT Darwin's theory. Many of Darwin's ideas still have a place, others do not; his personal beliefs certainly play no part.

    So you can quote Darwin all you like, that doesn't mean it relates to our modern theory at all. In fact your inclusion of Hitler and your misconception of survival of the fittest indicates that you have a very poor understanding of evolution.

    If you'd like to educate yourself, learn a little about 21st century science, and avoid future embarrassment (unless you enjoy sounding like an idiot), go through these sites:

  12. You are correct that evolutionism is essentially a religion.

  13. Present evolutionary theory is based on 150 years of scientific research. It doesn't matter what Darwin said (or more likely did not say) 150 years ago.

  14. Hitler = theist.

    We have seen evolution. In a lab. Under controlled circumstances. We have measured it and watched it happen and measured it again and said "look! Evolution!" It has been proven. -.- See link.

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