
Evolution is not true the Bible says it and if u believe evolution your going to h**l ?

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turn to God he's the only way, brothers and sisters please i Don't want to see anyone going to h**l the choice is yours. I hop e u pick Jesus




  1. Actually if you don't believe in Jesus and his word you go to h**l.

    Learn the facts dude.

    Im sure a few people less intelligent than you will take you seriously though.

    @onelm0... Scripture please!!! ohh the priest told you ehh

  2. even if i am wrong and the bible turns out to be true (doubt it) i find god to be way to much of an a*****e to want to spend the rest of forever with.

  3. Prove it, dipshit.

  4. I feel I should point out at this juncture that most of us are much, MUCH more intelligent than you, and are therefore more qualified to voice an opinion on this matter.

    You clearly have a very miniscule grasp of not only science, but the English language too, and it may do you better in future to just stay silent and let the grown-ups discuss these complex issues.

    There's a good boy.

  5. I am proud to disagree with you.

  6. If the Bible is indeed God's word, then science and it should go hand in hand.  We are individually responsible to take in accurate knowledge-Col. 1:9.  To seek out and question, as did faithful men and women of old.    Check prehistory in the layers of the Grand Canyon.  Fits the biblical creation accounts EXACTLY.  Also, as far as h**l, God wants us to serve him out of love, not fear-Matt 22:36,37.

  7. Wrong! One does not go to h**l for believing in something, one goes for  not believing on Christ.

  8. You're too obvious for a troll.  

  9. i guess im going to h**l...

  10. who are you to judge: who lives and who dies isn't that what occurred to job when the heavenly father questioned him and didn't the apostle paul say that he would not even judge himself that is not his yours or our place isn't it written blessed is him whom the heavenly father dose not impute sin and how are you sure that you are going there either doesn't is say that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees you will likewise not inherit the kingdom of heaven and where in your or any bible state that evolution doesn't take place what about Bacteria that mutates into something else isn't that a form of evolution I'm not Knocking the belief of creationism I believe in it too but We must be more like the messiah and no so much like the accuser Satan.

  11. a questions like this should be posted atleast once a day

    God Bless You

  12. Evolution is exactly what God is explaining in the creation story. He is talking about the last six or seven eras of modern evolution, which us modern humans were created by God in the last or latest era of modern evolution.

  13. I'm a Christian. Stop making us look bad. 'Evolution' is one of those non essential doctrines. You can believe in evolution and still get to heaven. The Bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God rose Him from the dead, you will be saved. Belief in Jesus and serving Him get you to heaven.

    Oh, and the word 'evolution' is not in the Bible so don't say that the Bible says it isn't true.

  14. ...evolution is not true the Bible says it and if u believe evolution your going to h**l ?


    ...turn to God


  15. Although I am an orthodox christian i think that "damnation" is decided on by whether you believe or not, I doubt got would d**n you if you faithfully believed in him,l prayed, went to church, fasted, ect, yet believed in evolution. That would be eheartless and Christianity is based around the LOVE of god.  

  16. well, i've got a lot more evidence/proof on my side than you do on yours...i've made my choice and since your h**l doesn't exist i've got nothing to worry about...take your creationism and 6,000 year old world and shove them where the sun don't shine.

  17. Well, that helps show that religion IS a mental disease. Feel free to PROVE any of your claims, until then, as for the last 2,000 years of huge claims and NO evidence on the part of theists, your claims ALL fail.

    Deal with it.

  18. Don't believe scientists!

    Believe a book that was first written 2000 years ago!

  19. Hahaha I love you Christians. It's so cute how you make statements that you pulled out of your asses.

  20. I like Jesus, but God doesn't like g**s so that counts me out.  I think Jesus was a great guy and I would have loved to meet him.  I don't think he was the son of a deity, but he was a good man none the less.  However, I left Christianity because I found out I was g*y and decided to follow my heart.

  21. If you believe in Evolution it is not a sin. You will not go to h**l. But it is pretty foolish. But we have all broke God's Law and need Jesus to pay our fine.

    Pslam 14:1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

    They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds,

    there is none who does good.

  22. No one is going to h**l.  

    The closest approximation would be the Lake of Fire, but it burns out eventually.  

  23. That's great, Joshua.  Now get off dad's computer.  It's a school night.

  24. You might want to read your own Bible.  There is not one single word in there about going to h**l if you accept evolution.  There is not one word in there saying that you must believe in a literal six day  creation to be saved.  

    Anyone telling you otherwise is lying.

  25. only those who come ion the name of Jesus are damned read it stop listening to false teacheers the Bible is here for a reson

  26. Bad troll, bad!!!  No respect for you. (rolls a newspaper up and smacks you repeatedly).

  27. Please, stay in school little boy. You'll look back on this and laugh one day.

  28. Well then I pick you pikachu

  29. s***w the bible     i dont see whats the point of living your life  by a book   its stupid  how can you possibly think that we just popped upon earth one day thats stupid   how can we prove god is real     if god is real  he wouldnt care what poeple think its all part of  his "plan"

  30. Sorry the other guy got to pick first and he took Jesus.  I was left with Jerry, and he sucks at dodge ball.

  31. Well Jesus is supposed to forgive everyone for everything, if he doesn't he's quite the hypocrite.  Jesus would also want you to use capitol letters where appropriate and proper spelling and punctuation.

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