
Evolution of Man???

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Im doing a "sociology" paper on the evolution of man and I just wanted some input on "how has the evolution of man changed the way societies, religions and individuals think?" I know that a long time ago everything was explained by religion but now scientists and philosophers have challenged that, and I'm not to familiar with the religious side of what they think about the whole idea.




  1. Evolution is creating more atheists and turning people away from God, our culture is not as sensitive as it used to be, we live in the "anything goes" era.  People are less respectful towards others and themselves.  Hope that helps, those are just my thoughts....

    Positively though... we no longer have slavery, and women can work rather than stay at home raising babies.

  2. Religion has not changed much... with the exception that some of the primitive Sun worshipping ones were wiped out by the more aggressive Judeo Christian religions. In spite of science, the majority population continue to cling to archaic religions.

    People more or less have not evolved the way society thinks either; only the general knowledge and technology available to that society has changed.

    Individual thought is more acceptable now then it has been in the past, where straying from more traditional views was not tolerated. This is most notable for women. Who are now accepted as equals in Western societies (for the most part). That is not to say that we have truly evolved from the witch-hunt practices of the past ie. Religion, Politics and s*x remain the three taboos to discuss in public, since they could get you ostracized where your opinions differ largely from the majority. ie. The Dixie Chicks would be a good example of this for their criticism of the government post 9/11.
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