
Evolution or creation...please share your opinion?

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Evolution or creation...please share your opinion?




  1. I fully believe in creation.  There are far TOO many gaps in Evolution.  Some of my questions are:  If we all evolved from one organism, then where did all the diversity come from?  In addition, if we all evolved from one organism we should be able to reproduce with similar species (i.e. dog & horse reproduce, chicken and parakeet reproduce together), but we can't because we are different and incompatible species.  You'd think if evolution was true, that you could have a dog & horse reproduce to make a dorse... but that can't happen.  

    As for creation, I feel that God had a plan.  The Bible says he created MAN, not "baby boy".  He created the world "ready to use", which is why there were dinosaurs bones in the ground.  HE knew we'd need oil, and that's where it comes from (dinosaur fossils).  The bible says he created TREES, and seeding plants.  That tells us that it was created ready to use, not a LONG progression over millions of years.  In addition, if you look at carbon dating that supposedly "proves" the ancient age of the earth, carbon dating doesn't work unless an item is thousands of years old.  For example, if you do carbon dating on a candy bar wrapper it can't tell you that the candy wrapper is 3 years old.  However, the proponents for carbon dating say it CAN tell you something is 3 billion years old.  It just doesn't make sense that it can tell you how old a REALLY old thing is, but it can't tell you how old a newer thing is.  That just doesn't equal "proof".  In addition, they never do "blind" testing on carbon dating, which means you have to provide an estimate of the age before they'll test it, and they will tell you yea or nea on it... That's not science.  That's justification.  So for me, I believe the whole bible is 100% true, which means I don't believe in evolution. I believe in creation.

  2. There is no evidence for the biblical creation story.

  3. Evolution, not opinion, fact.

  4. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming, and the only way to argue against it is to ignore all the evidence from many independent branches of science.

    Evolution is evidence based understanding, it is not about faith.

    Did you ever wonder why lions and your pet cat look very similar to each other? Or why the Dodo bird was flightless, seemingly just waiting for man to come to their island and hunt them to extinction?

    It is ignorance to accept that these things were just put there.

    Evolution is one of the most robust, yet elegant, theories to be put forward. It is supported by many branches of science, such as DNA analysis, dentistry, forensics, botany, geology and medical science. In fact, I cannot think of a branch of science which can be used to reject it.

    The main objections to it are faith based and are not scientific. People seem to be insulted that they can be related to other forms of life. Why? - because then it would challenge their beliefs that they were created in God's image, rather than having an ape-like ancestor as a template for humankind. It is this arrogance which keeps some people from accepting evidence.

    To their credit, most mainstream churches, such as the Catholic church, have accepted evolution as a scientific probability, just like they accepted that the Earth revolved around the Sun many years ago.

    Science may not be able to explain every step of every stage of every animal, and this is seen by creationists as proof that evolution is incorrect. Darwin never claimed to have all the answers, neither do scientists today make that claim, but the theory of evolution is too compelling and logical to be simply dismissed just because it carries the tag of "Theory". There are many current examples of the theory at work, including bacterial resistance to medication, locust resistance to pesticides etc.

    Evolution explains the similarities and differences between all the living things on Earth. Creationists just ask you to accept that it is so, and be content.

    Sorry, I have said enough for today. I'll save some words for tomorrow, when, no doubt, someone else will ask a similar question.

  5. Creation, while I believe in evolution within a species, I do not believe in evolution from species to a new species. While many claim that it is a proven "fact" it is actually a long way from proven. And DNA is causing Darwin's theories more problems than answers. Such as if we are almost identical to a chimp (98% DNA match) why are we so different? What is our conscious, and where did it come from? No other animal exhibits the ability to reflect on its own actions. Evolution is proposed as fact only because they cannot think of any other way to account for life, refusing to believe in a God.

  6. Whether we evolved or not from a monkey and how long did it actually took us is subject to speculations... But I do believe however that there is no GOD-creator around us. Religion is utopia for the poor-minded and ignorant people all over the globe. Regardless of nation and belief the very idea to believe in an almighty divine power that creates and controls the world around us is just way more absurd than the well-founded theory of gradual evolution taking place millions of years and so.

    So yes it may not be evolution as we perceive it but it is definitely not divine creation !

  7. The way I see it, evolution happens! Creation is made!

  8. Evolution is the question.

    Creation is the answer.

    Evolution is supported by scientific fact.

    Creation is supported by factual existence (redundant).

    Evolution is powered by the reason of man.

    Creation powers the reason of man and the reason man is.

    Creation was in the beginning.  Evolution is stuck in the past.

    Creation leads to happy people singing songs of joy.

    Evolution leads to people digging in slime pits and quick sand.

    Both require belief.


  9. I believe that God created all that is......However I don't know by what means He achieved his ends. I hope He lets me know when I get to heaven. Seven days to God could be Seven eons to us.

  10. i would have to say evolution. They have facts supporting this and most of these facts make sense and i believe.

    But also creation... it lets me believe that there is always someone watching, making me feel safe.

    i am still an evolutionist, but, you never know...

  11. Evolution.

    But I don't see how the two are necessarily mutually exclusive. Charles Darwin believed in God. You can easily believe that God created the world, but also be open enough to learn how it works.

    Otherwise, denying a mountain of scientific facts that all support the same theory just so you can literally interpret 3000 year old stories is just foolish. 3000 years from now, are people going to base their understanding of the world on urban legends about your cousin's friend who woke up in a tub of ice that time, or old episodes of Three's Company, or any of the other stories we tell ourselves? "But no! Men and women cannot live together, for Mister Farley would object!"

    As to the other poster wondering why a monkey and a squid can't make sweet sweet love, or whatever that is - the very definition of a species is a creature that can mate and reproduce fertile offspring. You might know that if you had even the most basic grasp of biology.  

    A mule is the inter-species love child of a donkey and a horse (a dorse, if you will) that is almost invariably sterile. Same goes for male ligers, and other hybrids. They can be produced, but can't reproduce.

    And in the space of, oh, a billion years - you can't even begin to imagine how organisms could change and develop enough to encompass all life today? Can you even begin to fathom a billion years? Look at what's happened to Michael Jackson's face in the past 25 years. I think we could accomplish even more than that in a billion years.

  12. people with rational thinking armed with scientific temper believe in evolution theory.

  13. Evolution.

  14. How about....ADAPTATION.

  15. Creation  then  Evolution.

    There must have been some creation, but we evolved.

  16. This is not an "opinion" question.  All of the scientific evidence points toward evolution.  None points toward creationism.  Evolution is fact.

    You can "opine" that it isn't, but that doesn't change the nature of reality.  I can "opine" that gravity doesn't exist, but if I jump off of a 10-story building, gravity will kill me just the same.

  17. Rational, unbiased, common sense and a small amount of research into both subjects, not opinion, would lead one to have more inclination to believe that life evolved and was not created in it's present state.

    If you want to know what people would prefer to believe based on their beliefs then obviously not interested in the truth.

  18. Well I believe in creation.  But let's look at some facts.

    The horse and many other animals have changed over time.

    The thing with man evolving from apes is "If man evolved from apes then why do we still have apes?".

    God is the master artist.  I believe He changes things to make it better.

  19. both. creation and evolution carry different meanings.

    we were created, therefore we become a creation.

    but we can change, and we evolve.

  20. Creation.  All the beauty in nature that surrounds me...everything glorious and wonderful...proves to me that there had to be a Designer. And that Designer is God.

  21. Both.  I agree with the guy who said it was created but something kept it going all these years...and science is fact, not a bunch of story books with titles compiled into another big book...and that big book is MAN made and not all historical facts or books are included.  That is not the case with science, and there is definite proof that things have to evolve over time in order to survive or become extinct.

    Cell regeneration is the most basic and simple examples of evolution.  If Evolution was 'just a theory' and doesn't really exist as a possible life explanation, how do we continue to live for so many years through so many diseases (i.e. vaccinations & antibiotics) and have our cells die and regenerate on a daily basis if evolution is non-existent?

    I don't think it's "the only" explanation; but i do agree that it is a valid one, just as the Bible or any other Holy Book.

  22. well its all up to you to decide, i personally believe in niether of them but, I have met people with a very nice perspective that might fit the needs of both sides of the argument.  

    God made man, and he made it so that man would evolve, so evolution was ment to be, because God wanted man to evolve

  23. Charles Darwin came much after with his evolution concerning the Galapagos Islands! Everything was here , was created ,we did not come about just like that!  We are thinking beings , beings of spirit , we are made in the image of our creators, like everything else , can you imagine WHO or What can create such awewsome universe, when we look into the night sky ,the moon and stars tell us we are a tiny thinking spot in the wonder of all this beautiful creation! Evolution theory brought with it the idea of eugenics, the science of good genes,pure races bologney, the idea that man is nothing but an advance ape has cheapened the value of life!As long as life is a gift from God ,then abortion , mercy killing was murder!;As society has accepted the idea of the drunken Darwin , it has accepted the killings abuses,child abuses in all ways, etc.yes, things change , yes BUT all was created! It was here allready! The monkeys are stil monkeys no? ,But man is still man! These debates are good for us all as is prove that this thinking soul of our is unique in this planet! Blessings my brother.

  24. I believe in creation. And that does't make me into an idiot. Science isn't infaliable. They make mistake all the time. It human and it's o.k.

    Darwin didn't discover the theory of evolution. He just packaged it for the world. He may have stole some ideas from a french evolutionist ( or transmutationist) who wrote about his theory in french. Darwin didn't read french very well. How can we be sure that he got the right message. He never spelled out that point about evolution in his first book Origin of the spiecies, why? Why did he wait 10yrs untill his next book to spell it out? He was a eugenicist and a moral relativist.

  25. Actually it is not a matter of opinion. Evolution is based  on scientific fact while creation is based on faith. Neither is opinion. Fact is fact and faith is faith.

    I can have faith god made the world through the evolutionary process.

    And I can believe in the bible.

  26. I believe in evolution, I think creation just doesn't make any sense... but then again... evolution is hard to believe in... The processus that we got into (apes to human) is a though concept to comprehend... and even when you do... you can't believe it... I would have love to see it...

  27. I hope you didn't cut your hand on the lid, when you opened up this "Can of Worms."  The correct answer is Evolution. (Not just an opinion.) The overwhelming evidence clearly proves it to now be FACT and not just theory. Many people remain in denial about the facts.

  28. Evolution

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