
Evolution ?

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if its true, then how come theirs still monkeys/apes today ?

wouldnt they all have turned into humans by now and only be fossils of them or something ? please can someone explain what the theory is ? (:




  1. It is very hard to really prove the theory of evolution, because creatures evolve so slowly. All evidence points in that direction though, and all serious scientists accept it as the most likely answer. Evolution can be observed on a small scale in bacteria and some small insects (smaller, "simpler" creatures change quickly enough to be observed within the lifespan of a human being)

    Evolution goes down different paths, and tries different solutions. It is not a given that all creatures should evolve greater intelligence, that only happens if it is beneficial to survival. The monkeys and apes have evolved to what they are simply because it works - they survive and they multiply. Being a tiny monkey is great when you live in the high treetops... the predators can't catch you. In that case a big brain isn't needed, so the monkeys won't evolve one. Same thing goes for the big apes, they spend a lot of teir time on the ground but are big and strong enough to be safe.

    It's hard to know for sure exactly why humans evolved to get the high intelligence we have today. A common theory is that we at some point started living in the open areas, savannas etc, and we needed higher intelligence in order to avoid predators. (Humans are soft, weak and fleshy, the only thing we've got going for us is our brains) Once the brain thing started working, the pre-humans started figuring out how to make tools and weapons, and intelligence became even more useful.

    As for the religious argument - I don't see why evolution should conflict with religion. After all... maybe evolution was the method that God chose to use when he created the creatures on the earth? Don't forget that the stories in the bible were handed over mouth to ear for generations before they were ever written down, so there are bound to be inaccuracies.

    Many religious authorities accept the theory of evolution and approve of science in general. Pope Pius XII has publicly approved of the Big Bang theory. (He also acknowledged the possibility of evolution) It's just sad that a few fanatics have to go ahead and ruin everything.

    For some amusing facts about evolution and missing links, I direct you to the following story:

    Read the story or download the mp3 recording (though I recommend the latter)

  2. Firstly, Humans *are* apes.

    Homo sapiens is classified in the Hominidae family (the "Great Apes"), which includes us, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and Orangoutans.

    Evolutionarily speaking, we are *cousins* to the other apes. Both we and they evolved from a common ancestor species (the so-called "ape-like ancestor").

    This ancestor species was definitely an ape - but it was not any of the ape species currently in existance. Different populations of this species inhabited (or migrated into) different habitats, and evolved down different routes:

    A long time ago, some of this ancestor species left Africa and migrated Eastwards, evolving into the modern Orangoutan.

    Of those which stayed in Africa, some lived in high-altitude "montaigne" rainforest, and evolved into gorillas; others stayed in low-level tropical forest and evolved into chimpanzees; and one last group left the forest and moved onto the savannahs - where they evolved into humans. In addition, there would certainly have been *other* groups in other areas, which evolved into yet other ape species - but all of these are now extinct.

    Since these different populations of the common ancestor lived in different areas, they never met each other to interbreed. And if they couldn't interbreed, they couldn't mix their gene-pools, so any mutations or changes in their genes remaind specific to *that* population, and didn't move into the other populations. Also, each different environment exerts a different set of selective pressures (what predators are around, what foods there are to eat, etc.), which would select for different genes in the populations.

    So each different population accumulated *different* mutations and evolutionary changes, and they therefore evolved differently.

  3. You need to study science more. Only one or a few of any species evolves into another species. The cockroach has been here 200 million years, but some of its relatives have evolved into other species. Humans and apes are cousins, so an ape will never become a human. Monkeys and apes have their own niches and can survive indefinitely, unless extreme conditions arise. Evolution has been seen in action, e.g. with the pepper moth. There's no reason why all monkeys and apes should disappear. This argument is an invalid one invented by creationists. Stop listening to them, and read some real science.

  4. maybe you under stand this because its in dummbed down terms so I dont confuse my self so here goes.

    1000's of years ago the ape family had a fight afew went to.. lets say asia for example, a few to south america, north america, europe, africa, etc... but because of the differtent climates after the continents separated they all changed accordingly to their environment. one of these groups had a mutation/ change in their behavior that let to them evolving into humans. scientists are still trying to work out what that was but I just think that they wanted to look cool. so there are no fossils of monkeys and other primates because they never went extinct.

    p.s. if you want to get picky there are fossils of really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really old monkeys that died 1000's of years ago but their species may have only slightly changed overt that time.

  5. I once believed it was true...But then I thought about it and I started watching this Documentary about it.. and Humans have 2 LESS chromosomes  then monkeys/ tell me how could we have become such a advanced specie if we lost 2 chromosomes? Seriously we are so much more advanced than any other animal..But we have less I do not think we came from monkeys and apes...I do however believe the annunaki theory...that is

  6. evolution is a fact not a theory

    understanding requires genuine and sincere effort

    in my life, as well as science, explanations that do not have predictable and testable evidence to support are simply not valid answers.

    Controversy surrounding it stems from the notion that if evolution is correct, it is a severe blow to the validity of religion (specifically the story of creation from Genesis), and that throws people's worldview into disorder.

    There is simply a force in nature that desires organization.

  7. theory - a tentative insight into the natural world so it means that the evolution of the apes into human is not proven up to now ... it only remains as theory but if the scientist prove that the apes evolve to human you cannot call that theory as theory because it is now proven ..but i think it is not true because you say that there is no apes or monkey evolve to human always remember that the human created by god ...

  8. It's populations that evolve, not organisms.  No ape suddenly mutates into a human and starts walking around.  It's a slow buildup of beneficial mutations that enable them to be better suited for their environment.  Apes still exist in the wild because there is still a habitat that they can thrive in with their specific characteristics.  Outside of that habitat, other abilities became more useful (bipedalism, which freed up hands for other things; larger brains; etc).  Depending on the environment of the times and area that the specific organisms exist, they (over long periods of time) slowly "change" in the context of the whole population: The ones that aren't as suited for the environment die out, leaving those more genetically suited for it to take up more of the population.

    Also, in reference to the "it's not true because humans have 2 less chromosomes than apes" comment.  It's true that humans have 23 pair, while other primates have 24 pair of chromosomes.  However, chromosomes have markers at their middle, and their end.  The prediction, based on evolutionary theory, was that in order for evolution to be true, the genes on two pair of older primate chromosomes would've had to be fused together in humans.  While normal chromosomes look like this: {end}-----{middle}---{end}, chromosome 2 in humans looks like this: {end---{middle}---{end}---{middle}---{en... with the genes on each half corresponding to a different chromosome in other primates.  This was predicted BEFORE it was observed based on theory, and found to be true.  This was considered so compelling a pro-common ancestry argument that it helped to win the case in Dover against teaching Intelligent Design, because ID could make no testable/verifiable predictions.  Also worth noting, it was explained at the trial by Ken Miller, a scientist who also happens to be a Christian.

  9. Monkeys are so far removed from apes, like banana's from a bicycle.  You are part of the ape family, not of the apes.  Many years ago, the primates split into 5 to 6 groups.  Of which you are one, (via Neanderthal man) the gorillas another, urangutangs, chimps etc.. Thus you won't find any fossils of 'them" because they are still brand new.


  10. If there are four sons ,  two of them(A&B)  have a DNA mutation make them able to eat poisons, and the other two sons(C&D) couldn't.The A&C migrate to a place rich with poisons : C will live and survive and his sons will have the same genetic antipoisons code, while C will die and there will not be any ancesstors for him. after many reactions between genetic mutations and enviromental pressures, you will find that the A sons become different in comparison with them relatives from B sons who lived for ever far from enviromental pressure , even they had the same mutations , but all of them can survive together.

    This is how to evolution work.


  11. <<if its true, then how come theirs still monkeys/apes today ?>>

    Because they're viable.

    <<wouldnt they all have turned into humans by now>>

    No.  There was nothing inevitable in any line of monkeys giving rise to apes, and there was nothing inevitable in any lineage of apes giving rise to humans.  That's just what happened to occur in one case; a somewhat odd case, in which the apes in question adapted to a savannah environment rather than a forest one.

    There was no pre-destined plan for the appearance of humans.  We're just by-products of nature like any other animals, and not somehow the specially selected kings and queens.

  12. Hey i say evolution is  a lie  but the reason there is still monkeys is ( according to evolution) we did not come from monkeys but we came from a common ancestor that then split up and turned into humans and then apes.

    Ps. If your getting trouble from evolutionist and want some answer please email me at  and fist my website at if you want

  13. Yes it is true.

    Your ideas about monkeys are all wrong

    You have zero understanding

    The answer is because Evolution shows they would not

  14. Evolution is a lot more complex than what you're thinking.  Humans are not 'more evolved' than apes.  There's no such thing as more or less evolved.  Evolution guides a population of organisms to better fit their environment.  Evolution is not about 'what's best' it's only about 'what works,' it's about survival.  If apes living in a certain environment are having trouble surviving, they will either evolve or go extinct.  However, the exact same kind of ape living in a different environment may be surviving just fine, and will not evolve.  So just because SOME apes evolve does not mean that ALL apes evolve.  In addition, the same kind of apes living in different environments might require different things to help them survive, one might be living in the cold and need more fur while the other population is living in the heat and needs less fur.  So both populations evolve, but they both evolve differently.  And still, neither is any more evolved than the original type they both came from.  It's just that the environment has changed so they changed to fit it.

    The key point to understanding why all this happens is understanding that evolution is NOT a ladder, with 'higher evolved' animals and 'lower evolved' animals.  Evolution is a tree, with many different branches.  This is probably the most misunderstood thing about evolution.  If you think you, as a human being, are more evolved than an earthworm, you don't understand evolution.

    Point number two.  Humans evolved from apes, but not MODERN apes.  Humans and modern apes BOTH evolved from now-extinct apes.  So remember what I was saying about how the same kind of critter, split into two different populations in two different environments, can find two different ways to survive and evolve differently?  That's what happened.

    kristoffer t wrote:

    "theory - a tentative insight into the natural world so it means that the evolution of the apes into human is not proven up to now ... it only remains as theory but if the scientist prove that the apes evolve to human you cannot call that theory as theory because it is now proven"

    This is not true.  A theory in science is an explanation for observations.  Observations are called facts.  Theories never get 'proven', a theory is absolutely top of the line.  Look at gravity for an example.  The fact (observation) is that if you let go of a rock in mid air, it will fall to the ground.  The theory (explanation) for that involves the curvature of spacetime due to mass.  So we have both a fact of gravity (the observation) and a theory of gravity (the explanation) but the theory part will never be proven because science is always open to the possibility of other explanation.  However, even if the theory part is someday thrown out in favor of a new explanation, it will not change the fact that the rock will fall if you let go of it, it will only mean we don't understand how to explain it.

    So how does evolution work in this context?  We have some facts: all organisms share DNA, organisms and fossils show a clear lineage of anatomical features, and genetic traits change over time in response to the environment (which is the basic definition of evolution).  All of these things have been observed, and form the fact of evolution.  Then we have an explanation: all life originated from a common ancestor and evolved to fit niches in the environment, with natural selection as a major guiding force.  This is the theory of evolution.  It will always be a theory as there is always the potential for a better explanation, but again, even if the theory of evolution is changed or dropped some day, it won't change the observed fact that animals evolve.  It will only mean we don't really understand how it happens.

    When scientists have debates about evolution, they are NOT debating over whether or not evolution occurs.  That is universally accepted as fact among all legitimate scientists.  They are debating about HOW it happens, and in a few cases to what extent it happens.
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