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If humans have become known as the most advanced animal in the animal kingdom, could it be possible that, within many years of course, a chimpanzee or a bonobo become just as advanced as a human if we don't interupt their evolution or make them extinct before they get there? I mean, If a human after so many years of evolution can have the power of words and building things like skyscrapers, can't another great ape, such as the chimpanzee who is also our closest primate cousin, become just as smart with time???




  1. No i don't care if it is 1 trillion years from know on. Cimps simply dont have the required Genetic information humans and Cimps are very different (i know that we share 95 percent of DNA but that is proof for a common designer)

  2. A chimpanzee is just as evolved as a human.  Evolutionary progress is measured in time.  And both species have been evolving for the same amount of time.  Chimps have evolved differently to live in different environment.  You suggest humans are more advanced.  Yet how long would you survive naked and alone in the middle of a jungle?

  3. I disagree with your first statement.  For example, a chimp arguably is more advanced than us (I would say it is as advanced).  Every animal is suited to its environment.  You would not survive in a chimps niche. You don't have the upper body strength or flexible feet to run through the trees catching monkeys.  You don't have the memory that a chimp has to remember where all the fruit trees are.

    It is not only you, none of us are as adapted as a chimp to its habitat.  A chimp wouldn't do to well in your niche either.  Humans are especially good at making tools and weopons and we obviously have language that give us a huge advantage over other animals.  Chimps are very smart.  There may be no evolutionary pressure for them to get any smarter.  Chimps, gorillas, orangutans are all very intelligent and have probably been that way for many millions of years.

  4. Biologically speaking, humans are not the most advanced animal. A chimpanzee is much stronger, for example. A hawk has much better long-distance vision, as another example.

    Chimpanzees are not less evolved than us…just adapted to their own environment.

    Even modern bacteria are the result of billions of years of evolution, and cannot rightly be called “less evolved” than we are.

  5. Yep! But it all depends on whether they need to adapt or not.

    If a chimpanzee community finds itself in an environment where it needs to adapt (which may well happen due to humans interfering with the environment) then they may very well adapt and even evolve into humans - though they may even evolve into something completely different!

    It would take years and years and years though.

    If humans didn't have advanced healthcare or technology, we would need to adapt too. If we got rid of all our modern science, humans would adapt and evolve to be better with time too! At the moment we don't need too, as we have numerous outside influences which mean we do not need to adapt.

  6. Absolutely, although technically it would be their descendants, and not them as a species, that evolved to a humanoid form.

  7. Why not? But necessity must enter the equation.

    Remember, environment causes the need for mutations and through mutations do we advance.

  8. A chimp is not as evolved as a human -- we are animals, and we evolved to such a seemingly miraculous height that we find it a neverending discussion -- That they have capabilities we have completely forgotten to use, now that is true -- And who the f---- said that it would be another form of ape that would evolve the way humans have?

  9. Yes, in the future anything is possible!

  10. Humans and chimps split off  from each other 8 million years ago. Both has evolved to fit their exological niches.

    The world human population appears to have been reduced in the past with only a small number to continue. The species also has adapted from trees to open plains and being bipedial. Each change has been the resu;t of chance. There were other options that were just as possible but weren't taken (not that evolution is a choice or has an end goal in mind)

    Chimps live in a forest setting and are quite well adapted. Were they left alone their developement be continue along the same lines. There aren't forces that require new adaptions. In theory, chimps would have to back track in their evolution, then evolve along the path we humans traveld. It's difficult to see what forces would cause this and, given the random factors that lead to humans, it''s doubtful chimps would end up as human

  11. Time only will tell.

  12. They would have to have environmental pressures in order to develop that way.  But we and our cousins are still evolving, just in different ways.  It happens so incredibly slowly.  I heard Richard Dawkins put it this way once, "If an animal the size of a mouse, were to evolve into an animal the size of an elephant within 10,000 generations (a tiny amount of time, when you are talking about evolution), the change in a mouse's body size during a human lifetime would not be perceptible, and would fall in the average mouse range.
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