
Evolution ..........?

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do you think we came from adan and eva or the monkey ??




  1. neither Adam and Eve is an allegorical story I don't believe it is or was meant to be literal. Evolutionary theory never said we came form apes either it just states there was probably a common ancestor between us and the other great apes (primates) Human beings have fewer chromosomes though

  2. people had to evolve from other creatures, that's why some people still have animal features.

    some people look like monkies, some people look like fish, some look like birds, some look like lizards...

    explain that

  3. Oh! Mais oui! Evolution is the key to life as we know it!

    The Bon Dieu, in his infinite wisdom, prodded life into the mix of a thousand galaxies to spread pieces of his holiness through the universe. His goodness is now making evolution occur every day. God is that good, and he is quite that busy!

    I descend from microbes, myself. C'est verité? Tiny creatures, growing larger, more and more multiplication. It's marvelous. There are no "Adam" and "Eve" except in our silly book of tradition, "The Bible." It is ... the good read, but not a science textbook.

  4. Let me see. On the one hand we have a story of how 'God' grabbed a handful of dirt and made a man out of it (Adam) and then he took one of Adam's ribs and made a woman out of that (Eve) and we all came from them, which would make us all related. Considering that Adam and Eve are always portrayed as caucasians I don't know how all the different races would fit into that story.

    On the other hand we have a theory of how humans and apes evolved from one common ancestor over millions of years, based on fossils, dna and other scientific research.

    I think you can figure it out.

  5. Neither.

    After the Frost Giants emerged from the ice, Buri appeared. He beget Bor. Bor and Bestla had three sons: Odin was the first, Vili the second, and Vé the third.

    While walking along the sea shore the sons of Bor found two trees, and from them they created a man and a woman.

    Odin gave the man and the woman spirit and life. Vili gave them understanding and the power of movement. Vé gave them clothing and names. The man was named Ask [Ash] and the woman Embla [Elm?]. From Ask and Embla have sprung the races of men who lived in Midgard.

    Odin said it. I believe it and that settles it.

  6. I think we genetically evolved like most animals who genetically transform according to the climate

  7. In the time before man, primal chaos reigned.  Heaven sought order, but the phoenix can fly only when it's feathers are grown. The four worlds formed again and yet again, As endless aeons wheeled and passed. Time and the pure essences of Heaven, the moistures of the Earth,and the powers of the Sun and the Moon all worked upon a certain rock - old as creation, and it magically became fertile

    This egg was called "thought".

    From this egg came a Stoned Monkey.


    (Monkey voice) "Pass the drum Sandy, this is good stuff."

    (Tripitaka voice) "No no, Monkey, a stone monkey."

    (Monkey voice) "What? I'm made of stone? You really are trippy... taka."

    "The nature of Monkey was irrepressible."

  8. We probably come from both.  God the creator caused the Big Bang to occur in the beginning, which started the process of evolution that gave us 'Adam and Eve'  and the rest of the universe.

    And we never descended from monkeys.  We were descended from early hominids who share a close genetic relationship with primates.

  9. Neither!

    1.   The 'God' that creationists believe created us, starting with Adam and Eve, does not fit the all powerful, all loving, all protecting and "perfect" image they have of him.  This is evidenced by all the Earth's obvious imperfections and horrific traumas, sufferings and totally unfair deaths, we humans have to endure on a daily basis.

    2.   There is not one scrap of unequivocal human 'mediatory' (missing link) fossil evidence, inclusive of the imaginary "common ancestor", that is (so desperately) required to support the very basic foundations of 'the theory of evolution', regarding the 'origin of man' (human), in the 'macro-evolution' field, and there is an enormous controversy that refutes the beliefs of the hard-core evolution fanatics in the 'micro' field of DNA, that the similarities between the Chimps' DNA and our own, and the adaptions of viruses to 'get around' obstacles, are "positive, UNEQUIVOCAL Proof", that the 'THEORY' of evolution, is a 'scientific FACT'.


    Mike G (above)

    So you redicule the magic of water turning into wine and yet you totally accept that a lifeless 'blob of goo' turned into a living, rationalising, extremely complex human being? (allbeit over a 'slightly' longer period of time!).

    I don't personally believe in either, but it isn't difficult to recognise that you might be having a bit of a problem with your rationalising.

  10. Has science or theology answered that question factually?

    How can any layman answer that question?

    What you believe is what you believe!

    And what does it matter, anyway?

    A quote: Man is a credulous animal, and must believe in something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.

  11. adam and eve.

  12. Perhaps the ONE thing I have in common with self-righteous, ignorant religious fanatics is that I do NOT believe humans evolved from monkeys.

    Neither do any evolutionary biologists, paleoanthropologists, or others who study evolution.

    No one has ever made that claim. It's a common misconception held by religious fanatics who are arguing against something without bothering to at least understand what exactly it is they are trying to refute.

    However, based on fossil and genetic evidence, it is plausible that humans and extant (that is, currently living) apes share a common, ape-like ancestor. Apes and humans also share an ancestor with monkeys, however, this ancestor is less recent, as apes and humans are more closely related than monkeys and humans.

    So, my answer is, neither. I do not believe we came from "adan" and "eva", or Adam and Eve. I also do not believe we came from monkeys.

  13. I'd like to quote the great film "Constantine" and say that if there is one, "God is a kid with an ant farm."  

    Religion gives people a sense of importance in the grand scheme of what they can't deny is a world so much bigger than themselves and their lives.  Why in the world would a being of infinate glory waste time on your troubles, much less answer when you want something FROM him/her?  Sure you can claim the mysterious nature of devine intervention, but then you just turned the corner down the street of UFO fanatical red-necks everywhere.

    Anyways, three proofs of evolutionism:

    1. The fossil record and it's extensive range in time beyond Biblical claims of a 6000 year old planet.

    2.Biological evidence; homologies among current animals (how many animals share the 5 fingered hand structure?  Horses hooves, birds wings, whales flukes...all contain the 5-fingered hand)

    3.Embyology:  In the womb, somewhere where i dont think the writers of the bible ever saw, the majority of animals look identical.  Humans have gil slits during development.

    I'm thankful that religion keeps the duller minds in line like good little sheep.  Just keep going to church and leave the thinking to us.  Besides, there ARE still less evolved hominids on earth, so theres plenty of room for some modern humans to stay behind as the rest of us move on past this fairytale stage of believing in magic that turns water into wine.  (Can't you make some oil instead?)

    Keep funding my education, thanks again taxpaying church-goers.

  14. I came from Adam & Eve!  Some of you might have come from monkeys, (at least you act like it)

    But not me, God created my ancestors... how about you? Where did monkeys come from?

    And, If man evolved from monkeys as the monkey improved its hereditary traits over the ages, why are there still monkeys?  Just a thought..Ta Ta
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