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Do you believe in the theory of evolution pertaining to us human beings being direct descendants of primates? Yes we do share 98 % of the same dna, but seriously what happened to all the monkeys that did not evolve?? They must be duds??? LOL--Sorry, It is obsurd to me, all though I do believe there is an adaptability factor with in certain enviroments as far as interesting species of animals go, but we people with our 98 % DNA shared still have the 2 % that renders us a different species-do you agree??? Talk to me with your 2% reasoning abilities and open mindness ;) Let's see what you have to say on the matter...........Thanx!




  1. The battle between evolution and creation is not between science and religion, but of two conflicting paradigms. Evolutionists claim that evolution is science and that creation is merely a fairy tale. Paradigm shifts are rarely quiet and smooth. Ask Galileo. His main problem was not with the Catholic church, but with professors that believed the earth was the center of the universe and did not move.

    Evolution became popular before they knew what was inside a cell. Scientists thought that cells were just simple blocks that combined to make something complex. When they finally managed to crack one open and look inside they found the opposite was true.

    Evolution is dead. However, its rotting corpse is still propped up by its followers to try and convince everyone that it is still alive and well. It is time to bury it and let creationism take over...

  2. The way you word your question makes it obvious that you don't understand the process of evolution, or biology in general - that's makes answering your question difficult. Nevertheless, this article has the answers to your questions:

  3. A common misconception is that we evolved from the same monkeys that we see around us.

    The point is that we are all at the end of the particular branch of evolution along which we are travelling.

    We are not further evolved than the other species of primates out there, we have just evolved in a different direction due to the different environmental factors that our predecessors were exposed to. The direction of evolution we travelled along involved extreme communication and social interraction backed up by large brains and good tool making skills. However we're rubbish at climbing trees and can't use our tails to hold on to branches... but that's ok because we don't need those abilities.. just like orangutans don't need to know how to learn to drive or turn on a pc.

    Our direction of evolution has given us a big advantage over the others though, and we're in the rare position of having the fates of the others species in our hands.


  4. Yes, the 2% difference in DNA makes a significant difference between us and Chimpanzees, just like the similar difference in DNA makes a significant difference between Chimpanzees and Gorillas.  In fact, we are discovering additional hominids, which are genetically closer to humans than chimps, every few years.  There's nothing absurd about the concept of speciation (whether it be insects, jellyfish, or primates), and the fossil record strongly supports it.

  5. All monkeys did evolve.

    None were duds, except the ones who did not pass on their genes.

    A small group of monkeys had the right mix of chance and environmental pressure to to evolve large frontal lobes with superior problem solving, memory and spacial recognition abilities. These were the first pre-humans.

    Other groups of monkeys evolved other advantages and adaptations and became great apes and lesser apes.

    The original breed of monkey that was the progenitor of apes and mankind is now extinct but all their descendants are only seperated by a few percentage points genetically.

  6. I believe that people were created by God in His image,as the Bible states. I believe also that Sinners can evolve into Christians

  7. I am absolutely convince beyond a shadow of a doubt that evolution explains the physical nature of all life on this planet including us.  There is much that I don't understand about other aspects but I am nearly as convinced there is something beyond our physical bodies.  I only believe that because of personal experience.  The evidence for evolution is irrefutable and obvious to those of us who understand it.  The only argument you could make is that the devil put the evidence there to confuse us.  I don't go there and refuse to accept that line.

    The science behind the "theory" of evolution by means of natural selection is so solid that it is nearly a fact.  We have data that you are not likely aware of that is absolute proof as much as anything can be that we share common ancestors with other animals.  We have perfectly logical and accurate time lines for when particular lifeforms split into their various lineages to form all the known animals.  The times lines are not in question at all.  It comes down to the cold mathematics of nuclear physics.  Evolution is an absolute fact by dating fossils and seeing the change over time.  The definition of evolution is change over time.  The method is so well established to be natural selection that it is silly for any scientist to doubt it.  There is a purely religious movement that uses scientific jargon to discredit it but they are preaching propaganda.

  8. The differences is why we are a different species.

  9. Completely, but term direct is misleading because of all the natural selection that occurred as we evolved. There was most likely great number of duds. Best explanation ever heard can be experienced by watching the whole Cosmos Series.

  10. There are hundreds of thousands of genes that make up the chromosones in any higher level living thing, but not all are active.  When you compare to apes, if there are a million genes, then we have 20,000 genes that are different.  That can make quite a difference.  We are not much different from apes: better hands, ability to speak, walk straights and use tools.  These are the minor variants that made a difference about some 1,000,000 years ago or 50,000 generations back

  11. You are a smart girl. I appreciate your question. Yes, did you know that animals do not demonstrate empathy when they see a human yawn as humans do when we see each other yawn? That's because of that 2% probably. I enjoy being able to speak, have possessions, vote, stuff like that whereas if I were an animal, say a chimpanzee, I couldn't do those things.

  12. Nobody who understands Darwinian theory has been able to come up with a single honest argument against it.  And the way it works is beautifully simple, and indeed, simply beautiful.  So yeah, I'd pick Darwin over the Bible.
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