
Evolution question?

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does evolution go like:

Chimpanzee --> Australopithecines --> Homo habilis --> homo erectus





  1. No, though that is a common misconception. Australopithecus, homo habilis, and homo erectus are all ancestor species of modern humans. Modern chimps and humans share a common ancestor that existed 5-7 million years ago. This common ancestor was more similar to modern apes than it is to modern humans (not bipedal; small brain; prognathism, for example). That is why it is sometimes referred to as an "ape-like ancestor". Also, our evolutionary "family tree" looks much more like a wild-growing shrub than a line or a tree, with many, many branches for cousin species that no longer exist.

  2. No, I don't think so.

  3. Could be like this

    -> First mammals -> something -> something -> Chimpanzee

    -> First mammals -> something -> australopithecines-> possibly modern man-> Homo postremo (future man)


    -> First mammals -> something -> Homo habilis -> possibly modern  man->Homo postremo (future man)


    -> First mammals -> something -> Homo erectus -> possibly modern man ->Homo postremo (future man)

    The bottom line is that not even the archeologists can make a timeline out of the finds they have so far. They are from all over the place and from a very long span of time. They cannot say that any of the old bones that are found is a direct ancestor to us or a side branch of the evolutionary tree of man.

    It is like trying to solve a 200 piece jigsaw with only 5 random pieces.

  4. No, the modern chimp is descended from the same ancestor as we are though.  And it is likely the same thing as each hominid species; we share common ancestors, but it isn't a linear progression from one to another.

  5. NO !

  6. Nope, nothing so clear or easy.  Also, we didn't come from chimpanzees.  We both of us (chimps and humans) come from a common ancestor.  Saying we came from chimps is like saying you're descended from your cousin.  You're right that there's a relationship, but you got the nature of that relationship wrong.

    Below is a chart of human evolution from about 4.5 to 5 million years ago.  The chimp line and the human line separated about 5.4 million years ago, more or less.  We split from gorillas about 8 to 10 million years ago.

  7. small to bigger, the same concept of idea i suppose
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