
Evolution states that the universe went from being in all disorderly and is slowly being arranging itself...?

by Guest61172  |  earlier

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then why is the earths magnetic field slowly disintergrating, and the sun is dying, and so many other things are losing order??




  1. Creation theory states that God created Man in his image.  God is all-knowing and intelligent.  Then why are creationists so ignorant of science and reason?

  2. No, it doesn't.  Evolution pertains to the change in biological organisms over time.  It has nothing to do with the universe in general.  

    The second law of thermodynamics states that in an isolated system, entropy will increase.  The universe is an isolated system.  The Earth, however, is not.  Put energy into a system, and entropy decreases.  The Sun is a constant source of energy.

    If entropy always increased, no matter what, you'd never be able to pick up your room or build a house, much less evolution happen.  Obviously, physics does not say you can't pick up your room.  That would be ridiculous.

  3. The earth's magnetic field is oscillating, switching its polarity periodically.  It is currently in a decreasing phase.  After it decreases to zero, it will start to increase in the opposite direction, reach a maximum, and then start decreasing again, ad infinitum.

    Yes, the sun will eventually die out, but that won't happen for millions of years.

    Evolution doesn't say that about the universe.  The universe started out in an orderly state, and is moving towards disorder.  

    Evolution may me a local increase in order, but it's accompanied by a corresponding increase in disorder outside the system (heat dissipates from biological organisms into space, and this creates disorder.  The sun also radiates heat into space.)

  4. You do not understand evolution.  Evolution by natural selection is the process of change in living systems.  

    Furthermore, you are confusing evolution and the second law of thermodynamics.  The second law does not deal with disorder.  It deals with entropy, a state variable of a closed system.  Please check the web site listed below for a more accurate discussion of entropy.

  5. Wow.  You are *utterly* confused!

    Evolution says nothing about the order of the universe.  Zero.  Nada. Zip.

    Evolution says nothing about the magnetic field of the earth, or about the lifespan of the sun.  Zero.  Nada.  Zip.

    Evolution is about life on earth.  Period.

    And as long as the sun is shining, delivering energy to the earth, evolution can take life from a disordered state to an ordered state without any violation of the laws of thermodynamics whatsoever (laws which you clearly don't understand).

  6. TROLL!

  7. The theory of evolution states NO such thing!

  8. "You can't win, you can't break even, you can't leave the game,

    'cause entropy will take it all 'though it seems a shame.

    The second law, as we now know, is quite clear to state,

    that entropy must increase and not dissipate.

    Creationists always try to use the second law,

    to disprove evolution, but their theory has a flaw.

    The second law is quite precise about where it applies,

    only in a closed system must the entropy count rise.

    The earth's not a closed system' it's powered by the sun,

    so f*** the d**n creationists, Doomsday get my gun!

    That, in a nutshell, is what entropy's about,

    you're now down with a discount."

    -lyrics from Entropy by MC Hawking


    This is an absolutley wonderful website to go to for stuff like this. Just download the different movies. Dinosaurs and the Bible is my personal favorite.

    Proof Evolution is a lie:

    1. The slowing spin of the earth limits the earth's age

    2. The 1/2 inch layer of cosmic dust on the moon indicates the moon has not been accumulating dust for billions of years

    3. Jupiter's moon, Io, is losing matter to Jupiter. It cannot be billions of years old

    4. The shrinking sun limits the earth-sun relationship to fewer than billions of years. The sun is losing both mass and diameter. Changing the mass would upset the fine gravitational balance that keeps the earth at just the right distance for life to survive

    5. The oldest known historical records are less than 6,000 years old

    6. The oldest living coral reef is less than 4,200 years old (Couldn't be 6,000 because The Flood would have destroyed it)

    7. Biblical dates add up to about 6,000 years

    8. The oceans are getting saltier. If they were billions of years old, they would be much saltier than they are now

    9. The existance of short-period comets indicates the universe is less than billions of years old

    10. At the rate many star clusters are expanding, they could not have been traveling for billions of years

    This also is another good website.

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